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Amelia's pov:

it was the next day, i got up earlier than 5:00am it was 4:00am and i didn't know what to do.

i couldn't sleep because i had a nightmare, it was the worst nightmare i have ever had since i moved here

[the nightmare]

"so what you want to break up now"

"i didn't say we should break up, but this isn't working"


"no i didn't say that"

"you sure did"

"i just think we need a break"

"what's wrong with you, what did i do wrong"

"you did nothing"

"then why are you saying that, you know I love you"

"no you don't"


"you love him not me"

"so this is about Pablo right? are you serious right now"

"im not lying, you can't even see yourself when you look at him"

"he is just a friend, can you chill"

"no he's not just a friend Amelia"


"well you're making things worse by lying"

"im not lying"

"you can't even look at my face when you are lying"



"you can't understand what you are doing, you are selfish and pathetic, you don't care about anyone except yourself, you don't even care about me because if you did then you wouldn't do that, and you would respect my boundaries like i respect yours, and i don't want to make things worse, so please just give me a break, i can't handle this anymore"


"so you won't answer?"


"im leaving"



it was a conversation between Jude and I, and it felt so real, which made me worry more about talking to him, i really don't feel like talking to him at the moment, it's feels so wrong after that dream, he literally called me selfish and pathetic. what was that.

it was still 4:15am and i didn't feel like getting ready this early, so i decided to text Mason, i really need to talk to someone.


are you awake can you we talk now?

how did you know i'm awake?

i don't maybe because you always wake up earlier than your normal time

you know me well

of course i do

how are you feelings now ams?

not the best

why what's wrong?

can i call you better

of course

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