"its my birthday"

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Amelia's pov:

it was getting pretty late and i was so bored, and i realized it's my birthday i should do something, i should party but no one actually called and said anything not even Pablo

it was actually sad being all alone by myself on my birthday doing nothing, am i that invisible to everyone?

then i heard knocking on the door, i expected that to be Pablo but it was sira




"you won't be bored anymore just come with me"

she grabbed me and took me again to my room, then she opened the closet and started getting out some dresses, and getting the makeup and everything ready

"we are having a girls night okay"

"sira can i ask you a question"


"did Pablo tell you anything or called you?"

"no why"

"he hasn't texted me all day, and i've been sending him messages and he hasn't been responding to them"

"neither ferran, so maybe they are preparing for a match or something"

"i would've known sira, there is something going on"

"put all this aside ams it's your day today you must have fun, today is all about fun no worries"

sira and I got ready and we were going to have a girls night, nothing much we were just going to the restaurant and have dinner

i wasn't really happy i thought Pablo would do something and it's already 9:00pm and he didn't even respond or call or anything

after getting ready sira and I took some photos

after getting ready sira and I took some photos

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❤️💬:pablogavi, pedri, alejandrobalde, ansufati, raphinha, neymarjr, vini, masonmount, trentarnold66, judebellingham, ferrantorres, siramartinezc, and 268,729 liked

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❤️💬:pablogavi, pedri, alejandrobalde, ansufati, raphinha, neymarjr, vini, masonmount, trentarnold66, judebellingham, ferrantorres, siramartinezc, and 268,729 liked

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