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Amelia's pov:

it didn't take Sophia and I a lot to get ready

in fact it was kai

which is surprising always the girls take longer

but since we were already half ready

it didn't take us a lot to fix our hair or makeup it was just the dress and this doesn't take 2 minutes

kai is the one who took a while to do his hair which also didn't change anything from how it looked before

but what can I say kai is kai

after getting ready we all took our bags and went outside

"aren't we going to take a scooter or anything?"


"not even a bus?"



"because it's not far from here it's only 10 minutes walk, it's by the Eiffel tower"

It didn't matter anyway I loved walking

obviously before going there Sophia and I had our little photo session

and then we headed towards the club

Pablo's pov:

everything was almost ready, it was just us who needed to wear our clothes

luckily we all have everything with us we don't need to go back to the hotel

and even if we went back to the hotel that will take a lot of time since they are almost there

the set up was amazing when the three of us were done preparing it it looked so good

I didn't imagine it to be this good

hope she likes it tho

and that's how it looked

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and that's how it looked

I feel nervous actually like I didn't prepare any words or anything to say

and obviously it's my first time doing this and I didn't ask a single person to help me with it

and the people who are with me are single their whole lives how amazing

I don't want to ruin things, I want to make it the best night for her

this is not the only thing we will be doing for the night actually i have other things planned

the only thing I want is to see her happy

and I won't say this is rushed to be honest, because i love her

and I want to show her how much I truly love her

and there is nothing too rushed in this world to be honest

i mean you only live once

after getting ready Mason texted Kai to see where they are and they said that 5 minutes and they will be there

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