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"And this is Lori and Carl, Rick's wife and son" we are introducing everyone to the new people we have brought "This is our group, everyone this is Dave, Tony, Brady, Ash and Conner" after raiding the town, I put magic on their truck which is a similar model to mine but white and I connected it to my truck so we can radio each other "their joining us"

"Rick" Shane motions for Rick to go aside, we are silent until Carl comes forward.

"Hi" he says "nice to meet you"

I listen in to Rick and Shane who are arguing "Phoenix has done nothing but help up!" Rick harshly says "she could have left us but she didn't and she is right, the more manpower the better since we're going to need it!"

"She is a fucking witch!" Shane yells "a weird mix, it's no wonder that none of the other supernatural species wanted her! She's an abomination, her and that child!"

Shaking my head, I grab the pack that I had Bryce pack for Shane before going to the two "Leave, now" shoving the pack at him "you are not welcome anymore!"

"No!" He yells "I'm not leaving!"

"You are" nodding my head "I have done nothing but try to keep you safe, I want you dead along with many others or at least gone!" Everyone looks our way, I can feel their eyes on me "Rick convinced me not to kill you, but you have got to go! You are dangerous!"

"I'm dangerous!" He yells pointing to himself before pointing to me "your dangerous! Your abomination you call a daughter is dangerous!"

"We have done nothing" Bryce is by us now "but help you! Your just upset that no one is listening to you after the shit you pulled!" Shaking his head he pulls out his gun and I use my powers to take the gun from him, I point it at him and he shakes his head looking around.

"This is your only chance" Rick says "Phoenix is our leader, she has lived long enough so she knows when someone is trustworthy and you aren't"

"Oh!" Shane laughs, putting his hand on his mouth before shaking his head "we've known each other for years and you throw me away after meeting this whore for a few weeks! I'm not leaving! Do you know why?"

"Shane" Lori speaks up "don't"

"The child Lori is carrying us mine!" He yells at us "and I'm not leaving my child defenseless"

"The child won't be defenseless" Rick says "I know the child wasn't biologically mine but it doesn't matter since it's mine!" Oh, what a nice man. Such a shame there are few people like him.

Shaking his head "I've done so much for all y'all!" Pointing at everyone "I killed so many! The walkers! The untrustworthy people from before! Otis!"

"What?!" Hershel and his family demand

"It's either you kill me right now" he says looking at me "or I'm killing you or I'll find a way to" snapping my fingers, Shane exploded all over us and I hear someone vomit.

Turning around, everyone looks at me "I want to be clear right now, what I say goes. These new people I find trustworthy" looking at them "don't break the faith I have in you"

"We won't" Dave shakes his head "thank you for putting your trust in us"

"What happens now?" Dale asks

"We figured out where to go next" walking back to the group "but first we need to gather up all the chickens, cows, pigs from the farm along with any other farm nearby. We also gather and sort seeds such as vegetables and fruits"

"Now" Rick asks the group "are there more of you?" They shake their heads no.

"We heard" Conner says "that there was this city, nearby where people are"

"I think" I say "our first priority is seeing how many herds there are of walkers around here before doing anything" looking at the barrels "if there are many we can stock up on blood but we'll need more barrels and we need someplace to rest and try to I don't know...we need to figure out what danger there is out there before anything else and also stock up on supplies and record them"

~A Month Later~

I'm checking inside the new black cargo van that we got, in total for vehicles with have six vehicles. The three cargo vans to hold the cargo such as the livestock that we have, the canned goods, boxed goods such as cereal, snacks, etc.—seeds for fruits and vegetables, vegetables and fruits that we were able to save, barrels of blood and water and any other liquid that can be drunk. Also I added some other food like candy. Then we have the large coach bus that is holding most of our people, but also for buses like that you can carry clothes so we have clothes also along with fabric and sewing shit in case we need to do anything. We also packed in there pillows, blankets, the camping gear. Then we have the RV where the guns will be with Aisha, Lori, Amelia, Andrew, Conner and Dale. For some reason I have a bad feeling so I made the vehicles all bullet proof. Lastly we have my truck that everyone will be following.

We spent the last month stocking up on supplies and making sure we have everything we need to head north. We'll soon getting houses made of bricks and tearing them down so that we can use it for the wall we will create around the compound.

"Are we nearly good to go boss?" Dave asks

Nodding my head "How many animals do we have?" Carl asks. So I show him the list.


—10 Dogs

—6 Cats

—78 Bunnies

—324 Chickens

—4 Roosters

—45 Baby Chickens

—11 Adult Pigs

—4 Baby Pigs

—23 Cows

—7 Calfs

—12 Sheep

—7 Goats

—9 Llamas

—20 Ducks

—4 Geese

—12 Turkeys

—11 Horses

—34 Guinea Pigs

—9 Quals

—15 Partridge

—17 Pheasants

—30 Bees

—32 Silk Worms

—2 Donkeys

—6 Alpacas

—8 Deer

—13 Tuna

Turns out that nearby there was this huge animal farm factory plant that held many of the animals in here, especially chickens so we have a lot of chickens. Another thing the plant had was a lot of tuna, it raised tuna so this is good. This animal plant that we found was the jackpot regarding food and it's a good thing that we are bringing them because if not then they might all die. Also the farms all around, it appears they let their animals go so we found a bunch of them and brought them back. With magic I shrunk the animals and put them in a coma to make sure they all sleep and survive through the drive.

"This is a lot of animals" Amy says

"Sure is" Dave nods his head "better we have them then the walkers"

"Let's get going" closing the vans, we go to the vehicles before driving off.

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