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~Phoenix's POV~

When we drive into the prison after a few weeks, I needed a moment since I used way too much power for this. I ended up landing us a few weeks away from the prison by having us land in Mexico-we had to go through many obstacles before arriving here, so now we are back and the children are all pointing to the animals. Thankfully all the women, children and babies had clothing on. Though we had gotten them new clothes since I don't trust the clothes they were wearing.

The moment I park the bus, it opens and Demetri gets the Charles and his men. When Charles comes in, he and his men help the women and children out. "Everyone" I say, the newcomers look at me "these is my community. I know you don't trust me, Demetri or my daughter since we are part vampires or in Demetri's case a full vampire but these humans can assure you that we don't want to harm you but try to help you to the best of our capabilities"

"What about the others?" Someone asks me "the men? My brother? He's still there"

"We need to wait some time" I tell her "for if we go now, it'll be worse since the farm will be more heavily guarded" she starts to cry and her friends console her.

"Why don't" Carol speaks up "we get you some food" they nod their heads going inside the prison.

"Now" those who are outside look at me "those who need me, I'll be asleep-recharging"

~Demetri's POV~

I catch my mate who passes out, everyone looks my way "Which one is her room?"

"This way" Bryce motions, as we go to her room I see that things are more tense.

"What's happened?" I ask

"We are at war" Bryce says "those from Woodsbury have declared war, they want us all dead"

"Any casualties?"

"A few" nodding her head "if Mimmi and Greer weren't here there would be more but so far Big Tiny is dead, T-Dog, and Dale. They took Andrea, when I went to get her she said no. She can be out inside man"

"Do they know she's from here?" I ask

She shakes her head no as I set Phoenix on the bed "They found her in the woods"

"Has anyone new joined?"

She shakes her head no "There was a group but because Rick and mom weren't here we had to let them go, their in Woodsbury now" My phone goes off and I see it's Aro wishing to face time "who's that?"

"Aro" I say, moving so that my back is to inside the cell block. I don't want them knowing where I am. Good thing I took out the tracker on my phone "Master" sneering the phone to see I don't just see Aro but all of the kings and some of my friends in the throne room. Am I on the tv screen in the throne room?

"Demetri" Aro says "we have a situation" I'm silent "someone has taken all of the pregnant humans and children, we need you to track them"

I'm silent as I nod my head, I pretend to look for a tenor "Well?" Caius demands

"I feel no tenor" I answer and Aro throws a temper tantrum. I see Chelsea weak, she's only using her power to make sure no one rebels since her mate is dismembered and Aro threatens to burn Afton if Chelsea doesn't use her power constantly.

"Someone powerful must be hiding them" Caius says "who has that power?"

"The other hybrid child" Marcus breathes "that Isabella Cullen had"

Bryce mouths "tell them about mom's plan, maybe some vampires will leave and come and help"

"Masters" they look my way "I heard a rumor from a human before she died giving birth to a babe that she was heading to this settlement"

"Oh?" Caius asks waving his hand "what's so special about this?"

"This settlement" I say "is supposedly run by a female witch cold one hybrid" everyone stares at me "the last words this human said was that she wanted to live in peace and this settlement offered that for both supernaturals and humans"

They kings share a look "Your niece" Marcus looks at Caius "must"

"She is no niece of mine!" Caius yells "she came from Dora's brother's seed! I want her dead for what she did to my mate!" Yeah, Caius has been more enraged since Athenadora died.

I think about breaking my phone but decide against it "We will talk later Demetri" Marcus hangs up.

"Who was that?" Rick asks coming in

"The kings" I say "the vampires in Volterra know of a rumor of Phoenix's plan, if they wish for the whole truth they then will start to leave and come here to me unless they wait my return"

"There is something you should know" Rick says "the Governor isn't backing down" Bryce told me "so we are taking the fight to them, we'd really appreciate it if you help"

Nodding my head "anything for Phoenix's dream of peace"

"We" Charles comes in "also want them to join us, this who we don't kill but save"

"What's the plan?" I ask

"Greer will help a group of us go to Woodsbury" Charles explains the plan "Mimmi will cloak many of the people here in the vehicles we have brought, the animals we are putting in a coma like what Phoenix has done before and then into this large cargo truck that will be cloaked also but a few of our people will be there taking care of the animals.

"So make them think we ran?" I ask. They nod their heads "I think we should leave some of the pregnant women out"

"Why?" Rick asks

"Think" Charles says "that we had more to protect then just us, we leave some of the children and pregnant women. They say that we are coming back for them"

"We can't" Bryce shakes her head "when I was spying on the Governor, some of the things he did disgusted me. He won't spare them"

"Then we can't risk it" Rick says "how long will Phoenix be out?"

"She used a lot of magic" I say "she's going to need time" my phone goes off and I see it's Felix "though I could ask for help, vampire help. Offer them what you offered me"

"What about the kings?" Charles asks

"Mimmi" I say "she or Greer could use magic to make sure no one is listening in or to get my friends here"

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