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~Phoenix's POV~

When I wake up, I'm groggy and groan. Looking around, I see I'm in the cell block with Demetri by my side along with another male vampire. "Here" the unknown male vampire hands me some blood, I drink it sitting up.

"What happened?" I ask

"We convinced the humans from Woodsbury" Demetri tells me "to join us, now there are a little over two hundred humans here. A few of the human women gave birth to their babies"

"How are they?" I ask

"Their managing" the unknown male tells me "I'm John by the way"

"Phoenix" nodding my head "how long have I been asleep"

"A couple weeks" Demetri tells me "in that time your second made the decision to have us stay put, until the humans from Volterra are more...stable. With everything it was very stressful, but still"

"I'm guessing a few vampires joined us?" I ask, they nod their heads "okay, good. This is a step—how are the animals?"

"Being taken care of" they tell me at the same time

"I need someone to update me on everything" I say getting up, stumbling but the men catch me.

"How about" John suggested "we do it while your sitting down"

"Outside" I say "I'd like some fresh air" the males help me outside to where I see humans all around, kids playing with each other.

"The kids from Woodsbury and the kids from Volterra are getting along" John tells me "their having fun"

"Phoenix!" Carol smiles "your awake!" I'm helps over towards her and sit down on a stool "just wake up?" Nodding my head "well Rick and Charles want to go over things with you about moving forward, but what I can tell you is that the children are adjusting much better than the women"

"It's to be expected" I say looking around "did we get more animals?"

"We did" Daryl comes over "morning sleeping beauty, did your prince charmings both wake you up with true loves kiss?"

"Ha ha" taking a peach and eating it "where's Rick and Charles?"

"Feeding the pigs" pointing down to the pens, where the animals are at "they want to talk to you about when we head for Virginia"

"Last I checked we didn't have this many animals"

"Found" Demetri says "an animal factory, several that held different animals. One a geese, another chickens, another sheep, etc. with Mimmi's and Greer's help we are able to have more than a few thousand animals here"

"Okay" getting up "I need to speak with Rick and Charles, right now. Get things under control before we think about leaving at the moment" the men are by my side as we go down to Charles and Rick who look our way.

"Hey" Rick smiles "your finally awake"

Nodding my head "I was briefly told what happened"

"About a few days" Charles informs me "after you fell unconscious the Governor attacked, before they did Demetri here got extra help from three vampires who are now apart of our settlement, the humans from Volterra—five have given birth, our population for children has risen as you can see. Regarding getting the bricks and clay, it is a day by day operation where those who can which is mostly the men are getting the bricks and the vampires take turns bringing the loss of bricks to the semi truck slash cargo unit" looking over I see they indeed have that "Felix and Maggie got the truck, while the John here helped get three of the coach buses, Demetri here found several factory farms with a bunch of livestock so here they are, we also took in many stray cats and dogs, those who aren't on the brick project are making sure the Walkers" looking over at the fence "aren't getting in, instead we kill the bodies and the vampires bring the bodies in for Mimmi and Greer to turn into blood"

"Okay" nodding my head as I look around "What happened to the Governor?"

"We let him go" Rick tells me, I look at him "took away his gun and gave him only a knife. It was a hard decision but we let him go"

I'm silent as I look around "Okay...I think we should stay out for now"

"For how long?" Rick asks

"A month" they share a look "I know, it seems like a long time but"

"No" shaking their heads

"Phoenix" Charles says "it's just that we've been getting alarming reports that the walkers...more herds are coming this way and if they are then we might be in danger since we're taking the walls down"

"A month" I say "we stick up on supplies, those close to their due date let's figure out when they could potentially give birth. The animals we start to pile together and make sure they are healthy for transport. What about our supply for alcohol?"

"Alcohol?" Rick asks

Nodding my head "You can do much with wine without drinking it..."

"There is a supply run about to leave tomorrow" Demetri tells me "to a supermarket"

Looking around as I stretch, getting the knots out of my back "Alright, I'll go with tomorrow"

"I'll go with" Demetri and John volunteer

We look at them "Okay...where's Bryce?"

"She's with Glen in the watchtower" Charles points

"Then I'll go see" just as I walk to the tower, Demetri's stops me "what?"

"She's indisposed" he tells me

"Huh?" I ask. I listen in and regret it, from the tower moans are heard "Okay, I'll leave my daughter to what she's doing"

Looking around the place "Are we archiving what we have?"

"We are" nodding their heads

"What about the humans in Volterra?" I ask looking at John and Demetri.

"Their under much more heavy guard" Demetri tells me "from what we know, their being treated worse...the only way of saving them is by killing them" we should have been able to get more of them, we should have.

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