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Hate On Me, Jill Scott- Performed by Mercedes Jones and Half The New Directions
Ride Wit Me, Nelly- Performed by The New Directions
No Air, Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown- Performed by Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry and Half The New Directions
Keep Me Hangin On, The Supremes- Performed by Quinn Fabray
Lonely Boy, The Black Keys- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Keep Holding On, Avril Lavigne- Performed by The New Directions



It had been a full week since Nick had spoken to Quinn, he'd avoided her where he could in glee club, in the hallways, but he had one issue... science class. He had no choice he had to bite the bullet and talk to her, both being on honour roll they need a good grade, so he would only speak to her about the work.
"So if we add that here about the potential of life beyond our solar system and move this... are you even listening to me?" Quinn snaps, he turns and looks at her, "Yes, I am! I just don't know if I agree with your opinion on this matter." He retorts. She raises her eyebrow and looks at him questionably, "Really? Because I personally think it was a good idea and helpful."
"Well I guess we will have to agree to disagree." He replies and looks back down at the presentation.
"When are you going to stop being so ridiculous and talk to me?" Quinn whispers angrily at him.
"When you decide to stay out of my business." He smiles sarcastically at her, the bell rings and for once he's the first to leave.


The first proper rehearsal with Coach Sylvester went down like a led balloon. The coach won the head and tails toss and decided to split the glee club into two teams, "Alright everybody listen up, when you hear your name called cross to my side behind the black shiny thing."
"That's called a piano, Sue." Mr Schue tells her, as she ignored him and selects her team. Nick actually wanted to be put on her team knowing full well he's just going to be stood behind Rachel and Finn singing a duet.

Nick is walking down the hall after that intense glee rehearsal, he sees Jacob Ben Israel speaking to Rachel when he sees the boy pull out a pair of bright green underwear. Rachel looks visibly stressed and Nick rushes over, "Hey Rachel, everything good here?"
"Yeah, yeah everything's fine. I'm just, Jacob here..."
"Can you confirm or deny that Quinn Fabray has a bun in the oven?" Jacob cuts Rachel off, turning to Nick.

Nick sees red and grabs the boy, pulling him into a empty classroom, "Who told you that?"
"I, I have credible sources, so don't even try to deny it. Now Rachel if you just give me a pair of panties and I mean actual Rachel Berry panties, I won't run the story." The boy is nervous talking to Nick, but turns back to Rachel and is as creepy as ever with the girl.
Nick sits down and runs a hand over his head, feeling the soft growth of his hair that's coming back.
"I except delivery by tomorrow morning or the story of Quinn and the stork runs." Jacob leaves as Rachel turns to Nick,
"What do I do?"
"He's such a creep, I'd beat his ass but that wouldn't stop him from running the story. We've got to help her, you, you're not giving him your pants... okay Berry... I'll sort it!" He smiles at her and pats her shoulder as he leaves.

That night Nick went home with one mission in mind, find his fathers filthy collection of underpants of former lovers to protect Quinn and the dignity of Rachel Berry.
"Dad? Dad? You home?" He gets no response and his dad for once isn't actually in. He rushes upstairs into his dads bedroom and looks around, theres empty champagne bottles and clothes littered everywhere. He searches around and then he finds it, "Bingo!"

He grabs the bag he bought upstairs with him and just as he's about to shove the pair of used womens underwear in, he hears the voice of his father, "Nicholas!" Nick shoots up, hitting his head on the shelf in the process. His dad looks at him and then what's in his hand, "Oh you filthy dog!" To Nicks surprise his dad laughs and walks over to his son, "You take as many as you want boy... enjoy yourself." His dad laughs and hits his son on the shoulder.
"This isn't what it looks like!" Nick grimaces, "I'm just helping out a friend!"
"Helping out a friend. You don't need to call it that, we're men here you can call it wan..." Lincoln begins, but is cut off by a flustered Nick, "Okay dad! I'm just gonna." He rushes out the room and slams his door shut, confused about the interaction that just took place.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now