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Favourite Liar, Wrecks- Performed by Nicholas Henley
And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going, Jennifer Holliday- Performed by Mercedes Jones
Don't Rain On My Parade, Barbara Streisand- Performed by Rachel Berry
You Can't Always Get What You Want, The Rolling Stones- Performed by The New Directions
My Life Would Suck Without You, Kelly Clarkson- Performed by The New Directions
Space Song, Beach House- Performed by Nicholas Henley



"Nick hi. Come in, come in." Nick looks up as he hears the sweet voice of Miss Pilsbury. Since last week she had been trying to get a hold of the boy, but he had been avoiding her like the plague. Finally, he had no choice when Mr Schue and Coach Williams sat him down and told him to go and see the woman. Nick sighs and walks into her office taking a seat opposite her desk.
"Look Miss Pilsbury I'm fine okay. I don't need anything. I appreciate the worry but I'll be okay." Nick states before she can begin. The guidance counsellor softly smiles at him , as she picks up some leaflets. Gently she places one down in front of him, 'So your Mom reappears after she disappears'.
Nicks eyes widened as he looks at the red coloured leaflet, "How, who, who told you?"
Nick can feels his breathing begin to pick up.
"Nick calm down. It was your grandpa. He rang Coach Williams, he was worried about you." Miss Pilsbury tells the boy.
"What so you've all been speaking about me behind my back, deciding what's best for me! No that's not fair nobody, nobody knows what I have to deal with in that house..." Nick defensively scoffs out, not realising what he's just said.

Miss Pillsbury waits a second for the boy to calm down, then she looks at him sadly, "Nick what happens at home?" Nick looks down, his leg bouncing up and down. He's furious at himself, he's furious at everyone, why did they have to get involved.
"I- I didn't mean anything by it, just, me and dad we have been arguing a lot that's all. It's my fault." Nick mutters out lying through his teeth. Miss Pilsbury looks at the agitated boy and sees that he's in no frame of mind to tell the truth, "Nick I'm not going to ask you anymore about this right now, but when you're ready to talk my doors open okay?" He nods and hastily stands up, speeding out the door.

Nick arrives at the choir room for the first glee rehearsal of the week. Mr Schue isn't there so Rachel is trying to take charge.
"Rachel I want to do something..." Nick begins, but is interrupted by the girl, "If it has nothing to do with sectionals then don't bother."
"Just move. I feel stupid enough that Im doing this. Finn drums please man." Nick states as he grabs a guitar, the quarterback walks over to the drums as Nick tells him the song.

"It's just too bad that you're a
Liar, a liar
Cast me into your fire, your fire
'Cause I will never be less than what you want
I've got good news I'm heading off
To start a fire, a fire
Liar, a liar
Hold yourself up higher and higher
'Case I'm not buying the things you wanna say
I've heard 'em all now anyway
You're such a liar
My favorite liar
I remember waking up in Colorado
You said that it was raining
I tried to hide away, but you said no
You made me love the rain."

As Nick sings the last verse of Favourite Liar, he isn't aware that everyone in the rooms is looking round at one another suspiciously, wondering if Nick knew the truth about Quinn Fabray.


Staying at Finns was okay Nick loved how Finns mum treated him like her own, but he also didn't want to outstay his welcome. The revelation of his grandfather speaking with Miss Pilsbury annoyed him because the boy knew sooner rather than later his grandad would be knocking on the door of the Hudson household, but he would deal with that when it happened. Currently he was walking down the hall on the way to science to deliver the presentation with Quinn, who he had barley spoken to since they were interrupted the other night. Whatever it was Nick knew it was big, he'd never seen the girl look so dejected. As he walks down the hall he sees Santana and Britt on the phone. Both stop talking as he walks by, they eye him up suspiciously. Stopping he looks at them confused, but before have can say anything the boy is grabbed by Tyler and led down the corridor, "Yo man! You'll never guess what I've heard! Fabray was knocked up by Puck... not Hudson." All of sudden Nick feels the rush of blood coursing throwing his body as he grits his teeth.
"You're lying." Is all that he manages to say as it comes out in a whisper.
"No man! I overheard it from some of your glee club buddies." Tyler stops in his tracks as he watches Nick dart towards the exit doors.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now