Original Song

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Misery, Maroon 5- Performed by The Warblers
Only Child, Rachel Berry- Performed by Rachel Berry
Blackbird, The Beatles- Performed by The Warblers
Trouty Mouth, Santana Lopez- Performed by Santana Lopez
Big Ass Heart, Noah Puckerman- Performed by Noah Puckerman
Hell To The No, Mercedes Jones- Performed by Mercedes Jones
Not How It's Supposed To Go, Ashe- Performed by Delilah Stokes
Atlantis, Seafret- Performed by Nicholas Henley
About You, The 1975- Performed by Nicholas Henley and Quinn Fabray
Where Is My Mind? Pixies- Performed by Nicholas Henley
The Gold, Manchester Orchestra and Phoebe Bridgers- Performed by Quinn Fabray
Jesus Is My Friend, Sonseeds- Performed by Aural Intensity
Candles, Hey Mondays- Performed by Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel with The Warblers
Raise Your Glass, Pink- Performed by The Warblers
Get It Right, Rachel Berry- Performed by Rachel Berry with The New Direction Girls
Loser Like Me, New Directions- Performed by New Directions
Ho Hey, The Lumineers- Performed by Nicholas Henley with Sam Evans and New Directions

Original Song

"Hell yeah!" Ty skates up to Nick, enthusiastically putting his arms around him. The whistle blows and Coach Williams calls the team over to him, "Take a knee boys!" The team do as they're told, "You play how you did in practice today and I know come Friday night you'll be state champions. Keep up this momentum! Okay? Knights on 3!" The team put their hands in, but Nick is in a state of shock.

Coach puts his hand on Nicks shoulder, who jumps at the touch, "You okay iceman?"
"The games this Friday?" Nick asks, not wanting to know the answer.
"Errr yeah Nick... states is this Friday and I gotta tell you... there may be a few college scouts at the game." The man replies tapping Nick on the shoulder walking off towards the changing room.
"Shit!" Nick exclaims, not knowing what to do now that regionals and his state finals were on the same night.

Nick was sat listening to Mr Schue tell the group that they couldn't do My Chemical Romance for regionals. Nick himself was trying to find the right second to tell them his news.
"I think we should write original songs for regionals." Rachel states.
"All those in favour of voting Rachel down a second time?" Santana asks the group causing everyone to put their hand up, but Quinn cuts in, "No I think Rachel's right. This team works best when we push ourselves and do something different." Everyone gives the blonde girl a wary look, knowing her opinions on the brunette.
Nick looks at Quinn as Mercedes questions how good the New Directions are gonna be in comparison to the others, "You're right we're not gonna be as good we're going to be better. We won't be using other peoples words or music, it'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices." Santana looks at Nick in disbelief, knowing Quinn is up to something. However, as the girl continues Nick also has his suspicions, "We have a really talented song write in our midsts... Rachel. I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together." Finn agreed with Quinn and Rachel knowing it'll make his life easier if the pair get along. Mr Schue agrees that they will be doing original songs for regionals and everyone gets a shot at writing one.

Nick raises his hand as everyone excitedly claps, "Erm Mr Schue!"
"Nick I told you. I understand it was a mistake that you put a red sock in with the white shirts. We can get new ones." Mr Schue replies.
"No— it's not, it's not laundry related this time. I well... I erm..." Nick stutters.
"Jesus Henley spit it out!" Finn nudges him playfully. Nick glares at him and then turns back to face Mr Schue, "I don't think I can perform on Friday." He mumbles.
"You don't think you can what?" Mr Schue squints his eyes as if it'll help him hear better.
Nick sighs panicking and stands up walking down to the front, "Look I want to be honest with you guys. I don't think I can perform at regionals!"

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now