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Endless Love, Dianna Ross and Lionel Ritchie- Performed by Rachel Berry and Will Schuester
Stop and Stare, One Republic- Performed by Nicholas Henley
I'll Stand By You, Pretenders- Performed by Finn Hudson
Evergreen (You didn't deserve me at all), Omar Apollo- Performed by Nichols Henley
Lean On Me, Bill Withers- Performed by Nicholas Henley


Nicks home life was getting more and more dreadful as the days went on, he was becoming reclusive and unresponsive to most people. He just wanted to be by himself a lot of time. In glee rehearsal he sat at the back minding his own business, ignoring the lingering eyes that often found the side of his face from a certain Blondie. His dad was back to his old ways but in Nicks opinion it was worst then before, it wasn't just the heavy drinking now it was the drugs as well. Nick wanted to leave the house, but if anyone found out, he was worried about what his Dad would do to him.

"Nick! Nick, Nicholas! Henners!" Nick jumps when Mike snaps his fingers in front of his face, "Is anyone home?"
"The lights are on but no one's in!" Artie hollers out, getting a laugh from the others.
"Huh! What's happening? What did I miss?" Nick asks, trying to avoid all the eyes that are staring at him.
"You need to come up and choose a name out the hat and that will be your partner for the week, but you have to sing a ballad to them." Mr Schue tells him, Nick nods and stands up waking down to the teacher.
"Well I guess I'm connecting emotionally this week with... oh erm Mr Schue I'm sure Quinn doesn't want to spend anymore of her free time with me? Right Fabray?" Nick turns and looks at the girl who gives him a sarcastic smile back, "Hmmm right!"
"Well Mr Henley the rules cannot be changed you have been partnered by the singing gods!" Mr Schue mockingly says, patting the boy on the shoulder.

Last but not least Rachel picks out a name and it's Mr Schue, immediately everyone is laughing there heads off. Mr Schue tries to change his mind suggesting that Mike actually has to sing, but Nick sticks up for the boy, "Oh no, no Mr Schuester like you said you have been partnered by the singing gods." Laughter erupts at the boy who sits back smugly watching as Rachel and asks Brad the piano man to play Endless Love. The song was torture, but also comical and quite inappropriate for Rachel to decide to sing with the glee club teacher. It was evident to everyone she was crushing hard on mr Schue.


"Hi!" Nick says looking up from the piano on the stage.
"Hello." Quinn replies slowly walking across the stage towards him. As she reaches him the two try to speak at the same time,
"I understand if you don't want to work with me, we can just say we did this stupid assignment."
"I'm sorry I tried to blow you off like that yesterday that wasn't cool of me."
The two look at each other and smile,
"So you do want to work with me?" Quinn looks up at him through her eyelashes.
"Urm yeah, yeah it wasn't personal. I didn't really want to work with anyone." Nick earnestly replies.

"What's going on Nick you've been in that head of yours all week!" She states as he takes a deep breath.
"It's, it's my dad. I think he thought my mom was coming home but she's not." Nick tells her as she nods.
"What's she like your mom? You never speak about her." Quinn tentatively says.
"I couldn't tell you." Nick tells her.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry." Quinn panics thinking she's overstepped the boundaries.
"No, no, no it's nothing like that it's just..." he sighs and then looks at the girl, "I don't really know her at all, except for all the headlines I read about her. The only memory I have of her is... no it's stupid." Nick begins to explain but closes down again.
"I'm listening Nick." She puts her hand over his encouraging hik to go on. He looks at her and looks at how attentive she is being, that she's drinking up every word he says, "When you guys did the walking on sunshine number it reminded me off a time, when I was young. One day we were baking in the kitchen and I swear I'd never felt happier. That song came on and it was like a fuse was lit in her, she was dancing all over the kitchen, spinning me around and dad... my dad was happy like genuinely happy." Nick smiles fondly at the memory, "But like all
Good things it came to an end a day later. She left and Dad was a mess."

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now