Journey to Regionals

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Better Days, Dermot Kennedy- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Magic/Raise Me Up, Olivia Newton John and Josh Groban- Performed by Oral IntensityFaithfully, Anyway You Want It, Don't Stop Believing, Journey- Performed by New DirectionsBohemian Rhapsody, Queen- Performed by Vocal AdrenalineTo Sir With Love, Lulu- Performed by New Directions
Over The Rainbow, Judy Garland- Performed by Will Schuester and Noah PuckermanSlipping Through My Fingers, ABBA (Ethan Hodges version)- Performed by Nicholas Henley

Journey To Regionals

The ticking of the clock was driving Nick insane as he sat in Mr Schues living room with the rest of the New Directions. His Mom had made him come tonight, her exact words were, "My sweet boy. You need to go, I'll be fine. It's not like I can go far..."

He only smiled when she smiled. He felt guilty for feeling any other emotion then sadness, how could he be happy when she was dying? Why should he be able to be with his friends while she is all alone in the hospital? He couldn't compete with the overwhelming grief and guilt he was feeling. He thought back to his hand holding hers wanting nothing more then for her to drag him back and he would stay with her, he'd stay in that hospital all day if he had to.

The day Nick found her passed out they had managed to get her heart beating again. Nick's attempt at cpr supposedly helped, but he wasn't sure whether they were telling him that to make him feel better before they dropped the soul shattering news. He wept while she was asleep, but smiled the second she woke up. He had nothing to smile about, her cancer was more aggressive and had spread to her lungs and liver. The two sat by her side knew she didn't have long. In her true fashion though when she woke up she held Nicks hand tight and looked him dead in the eyes, "It's gonna take more than this to take me away from you again."

Nick was astonished that the news hadn't spread to the news papers. He didn't understand how a picture of parents had graced the front pages but somehow this wasn't in a single form of media.
"You okay? You seem out of it!" He hears as they sit on the arm of the chair he's sat in. He looks to see it's Quinn who's snapped him out of his daze.
"I am okay." Nick whispers back, he then looks at how uncomfortable she looks and goes to stand gesturing for her to sit in the seat and swap.
"Just move up there's room for us both." She tells him as she squeezes in. Her room for two people was an interesting theory as half her body was overlapping Nicks, but in all honesty he didn't care. He just wanted to feel warm and Quinn was radiating just that. Gently he laid his head in the palm of his hand  listening to what the others were saying, but he couldn't focus his mind which was halfway between the hospital and the soft patterns being traced on his leg.

Nick looks over as Tina begins crying, "I'm sorry. I just really love you guys. You know how many Facebook friends I had before I joined glee club? Two, my parents. Rachel was right, being a part of something made me special. I just can't believe it's gonna be over in a week." Nicks heart aches knowing that his Mom isn't the only thing he is loosing, but also everyone in the room, his chosen family.
"Wait who said it's gonna be over?" Finn asks.
"Please. You think Puck and Santana are even gonna acknowledge my existence once we're not in glee club together anymore?" Mercedes fairly questions.
"She has a point." Puck truthfully admits.
"Mr Schuester? Do you think instead of nominating songs we can just all go round the room and talk about things we loved about glee club this year?" Rachel breaks down in tears. Nick feels it again that funny feeling it's as if he is being suffocated. The ticking off the clock intensifies again, the voices in the room merge into one distorted sound, Nick shoots up and scurries outside.

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