Big Brother

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Black Friday, Tom Odell- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Beautiful Things, Benson Boone- Performed by Nicholas Henley
I'm Still Standing, Elton John- Performed by Quinn Fabray and Artie Abrams
Slut!, Taylor Swift- Performed by Quinn Fabray
I Won't Let You Go, James Morrison- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Hungry Like The Wolf/Rio, Duran Duran- Performed by Blaine and Cooper Anderson
Nothin On You, Bruno Mars and B.o.B- Performed by Nicholas Henley and Artie Abrams
Dreams, The Cranberries- Performed by Quinn Fabray
Silver Lining, Mt Joy- Performed by Nicholas Henley, Sam Evans, Finn Hudson and Noah Puckerman
Fighter, Christina Aguleria- Performed by Blaine Anderson
Many The Miles, Sara Bareilles- Performed by Quinn Fabray
Up, Up, Up, GIVERS- Performed by Artie Abrams and Quinn Fabray
Holy Roler, Zach Bryan and Sierra Ferrell- Performed by Nicholas Henley and Quinn Fabray
Sweet Creature, Harry Styles- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Poems and Closing Time, Zach Bryan- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Riptide, Vance Joy- Performed by Nicholas Henley, Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray, Finn Hudson, Tina Cohen- Chang with Everyone Else
Friends, Eliza and The Bear- Performed by Nicholas Henley with New Directions
Somebody That I Use To Know, Gotye and Kimbra- Performed by Blaine and Cooper Anderson

Big Brother

Nicholas Henley wasn't particularly a religious person, but he found himself praying every second that he could since Judy Fabray told hin the news of Quinn's accident. He was currently sat in the waiting room his eyes shut tight and fingers crossed, muttering prayers under his breath. He'd been sat like this for an hour, angst ridden faces looking on in concern for the boy, while their own worry for the girl was eating at them.
"God I hate hospitals... they're so bleh!" Sugar calls out her head on Rory's shoulder. If Nick could find words he would agree with her. The amount he'd been in hospitals in the last few years was torturing him right now. Thoughts of losing Quinn running round his mind, reminding him of his mom's death and his grandad's time in hospital.

"She'll be okay Nick!" Finn puts his hand on the boys shoulder as if he knew what he was thinking. Nick looks up trying to hold back the tears, "And you know that for certain do you?"
"No but..." Finn stumbles over his words.
"She's Quinn Fucking Fabray of course she'll be okay!" Santana interjects while biting at her nails. Nick puts his hand to his forehead, "She has to be okay... she just has to. I didn't tell her enough..."
"Nick she knew!" Finn consoles the boy. His emotions getting the better off him he abruptly stands up,  the anxiety and fear of the situation getting to him, "How... how could she have known! The first time she told me she loved me I froze... I froze like a coward because I was scared." He closes his eyes, "And now... now I'm scared I'm going to loose her... I can't loose her." The boy finally breaks, tears flowing down his cheeks as he furiously uses his suit sleeve to wipe them away. Finn stands up and walks over to the boy wrapping his arms around him, Nick melting into the embrace slowly. His head leaned onto Finns shoulder, he mumbles, "I just love her man... I love her so much."
"I know... I know you do. And she knows you do! How could she not you serenade her any chance you get." Finn with his signature smirk holds his friend at arms length. Nick lets out an involuntary laugh, the taller boy shaking him slightly in a reassuring manner, "It's gonna be okay dude."

A few hours had passed and a few members of the group had gone home. Nick was laid across a few seats his head in Santanas lap, as she mindlessly ran her fingers through his hair. He was trying his hardest to stay awake, but he kept drifting off. Without realising he must've fallen asleep as he was being softly awoken, "Nick... Nick." He opens his eyes to be met with Frannie Fabrays. Not sure how long he'd been asleep for, he looks around to see that the room is empty, "Mom told everyone to go home, but you were flat out. I waited for awhile, but you were talking in your sleep."
Wiping at his eyes, Nick turns to the girl, "What time is it?"
"5:00 am." Frannie tells him, "I got you a coffee. Quinn's said before that you like mochas... child." She playfully nudges him and then hands him the drink. He gratefully accepts it, "Thank you. Any news?"
"You should go home Nick get some rest." The girl looks at the ceiling. Nick can sense that she's holding something back from him, "What is it? What's happened?" Before she can respond, the two snap their heads towards a door opening and Judy walking in. Nick bolts up panic written on his face, "Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay?"
"Nick, calm down." Judy touches his cheek gently, "I knew you wouldn't go home. Come on you can come and see her, but I must warn you sweetheart she's not in the best way. She's not her usual pretty sight!"

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now