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Bootylicious, Destiny's Child- Performed by Jane Addams Glee Club
Papa Don't Preach, Madonna- Performed by Quinn Fabray
Hair/Crazy in Love, Gavin Creel and Beyoncé- Performed by The New Directions
Imagine, John Lennon- Performed by Haverbrook School For The Deaf and The New Directions


The reveal that Nicks mother Rosé Kitt, world famous model actually cared about him struck the boy to his core. The headlines he saw of her portrayed her as no better than his father. Constantly at parties, with drugs, alcohol and looking disheveled on every picture that she featured. It made him question the power his dad had, he told Nick he owned him, was this the same for his mother as well, was he the reason she was featured like this to the world as a coke snorting supermodel who abandoned her child. Nick was yet to confront his dad about it, he didn't know how to or what to even say. Instead he was bottling it, letting it eat away at him on the inside. He hasn't told anyone about the revelation of his whole life being a lie and was currently focusing on perfecting the dance moves Mr Schue was talking them through.

The sound of the teachers voice takes him out of his thoughts as eveyone turns and looks at Brittany who is recording them all.
"Coach Sylvester didn't tell me to do this." The blonde cheerleader states, as everyone looks around in disbelief. This carried on throughout the day, Sue trying to work her way into the glee club...again and under their skin. Eventually Mr Schue had enough and invited their sectionals competition to the the school to perform, just to show them what they had been doing instead of Sue meddling.

Nick was sat by himself lounging in one of the auditorium seats watching as Mr Schue introduced the glee club from Jane Addams.
Nick was texting Tyler about plays for ice hockey when the music abruptly started,
Nicks attention diverted quickly as he watched the Jane Addams academy glee club perform Bootylicious. As the performance came to an end Nick cannot help that his mouth is wide open. The Jane Addams girls run out of the exit as Nick turns round to the others who have the same look on their faces as him, "That was..."
"Don't finish that sentence." Santana cuts him off as he turns back around in defeat.


After watching the Jane Addams performance the day before Nick wasn't feeling glee club rehearsal today and instead found his way onto the school ice rink. For awhile he just skated around, but the constant thought of his mom was flooding into his brain and washing over him with no warning. He begins to feel his chest tighten and his breathing fasten. He makes his way to the side and tries his hardest to maintain some balance but the ringing in his ears and the blurry vision is making it hard work.
"Nick? Hey Nick are you okay?" He hears a voice.
"Nick listen to my voice okay, we're going to breathe in together. I'm going to countdown from 3 and when we get to 1 you're going to inhale okay? Ready, 3,2,1 deep breath." Nick does as he's told, breathing in through his nose, "And hold that breath for 3 again. 3,2,1 and a nice exhale." Nick lets out a lot of air as he does this. "We're going to do it again and again okay Nick?"

After a few more rounds of breathing Nicks senses begin coming back to him, he looks up to see his younger cousin stood in-front of him holding his hands tightly.
"Mack? What-what are you doing here?" He shakily asks.
"I saw you come in and not go to glee rehearsal I thought something must be wrong." Mack tells him, still grasping his hands.
"How, how did you know how to calm me down then?" Nick asks.
"You're not the only person in the world to have panic attacks Nicholas, you're not that special." MacKenzie nonchalantly declares.
"Panic attack? What do you mean a panic attack?" Nick questions suddenly feeling very self conscious.
"I'm not an expert Nick, but you've just had a panic attack. Now are you going to tell me what's going on, is it about that Fabray girl cause I swear to god if she's done anything to you I'll fuck that bitch up... as soon as she's had the baby." Mackenzie tells him.
"No, no it's not Quinn... it's just... did you know?" Nick asks.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now