Bad Reputation

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Ice Ice Baby, Vanilla Ice- Performed by Will Schuester
U Can't Touch This, MC Hammer- Performed by Kurt Hummell, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrahams, Tina Cohen-Chang and Brittany S Pierce
Physical, Olivia Newton John- Performed by Olivia Newton John and Sue Sylvester
Teenage Dirtbag, Wheatus- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Run Joey Run, David Geddes- Performed by Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Jesse St James, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez and Brittany S Pierce
Spit Of You, Sam Fender- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Total Eclipse Of The Heart, Bonnie Tyler- Performed by Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Jesse St James and Noah Puckerman

Bad Reputation

Nick was happy, the happiest he'd been for a while. His mom was staying with him and his grandad, he just felt at ease having her around. They were building up a relationship and things seemed to be going well, he felt good about it.

Nick heads downstairs Buster right behind him, as he reaches the last step he could hear his Grandad speaking in a hushed tone, "You need to tell him my darling, he has the right to know." Nick furrows his eyebrows confused and decides in that moment to make his presence known by waltzing into the kitchen, "Whatcha talking about?" He playful sings.
The two adults appeared to be startled by his appearance as they turn suddenly and look at him, "Oh honey! I didn't hear you come down the stairs. Hi Buster." His mom says, stroking the dog on his head, "Sit down darling I'll plate you up some food, you're gonna need all the energy you can possibly get for your game tonight." Nick looks at the food that's put down in front of him and back at his mom, "Are you still coming tonight? I mean it's okay if you can't..." The boy had an ice hockey game, the first one back since his wrist injury.
"Hey stop fretting I'll be there okay. I promise!" His mom interrupts him, "We both will!" His Grandad adds on, as Nick smiles feeling a sense of warmth within him.

Arriving at school there was a weird buzz around the air, he overhears a group of Cheerios talking about their coach Sue Sylvester and a video of her dancing to physical going viral. Nick internally groaned knowing that she would somehow blame the glee club for this. As he walked into the choir room he groaned out loud this time, as Mr Schue stood in the middle of the floor waiting quietly for everyone to arrive, once they were all their he held up a piece of paper titled 'Glist- Who's hot, Who's not?' He squints trying to see if his name was on there and it was sitting at number 3.
"I'll take that." He accidentally says aloud causing a few heads to turn his way.
"Who did it?" Mr Schue demands, as everyone looks at each other, "This is serious principal Figgins is threatening to disband the club."
"Why are we playing this game? We all know it was Puck!" Santana states as if it's a fact.
"Back off I didn't do squat." Puck defends himself.
"Then why is your girlfriend first on the list?" Tina questions, Nick can't help the little pang in his chest at the word girlfriend being used to describe the currently unbothered Quinn.
"And why am I last? Accept for the reason that I refused to put out for you?" Rachel inputs.
"Okay enough! No one is accusing anyone of anything. Puck seriously, did you do it?" Mr Schue asks. Puck swears that he hasn't done it and Nick hates it, but he feels the need to stick up for him, "Hmmm I can't believe I'm doing this, but if Puck did it why would he put me above him?"
Everyone murmurs between themselves as Puck gives him a grateful nod.
Schuester then begins giving them a lecture about having a bad reputation, which somehow turns into him performing Ice, Ice baby. Nick wouldn't admit it to the teacher, but he actually enjoyed the performance.

Nick is walking down the corridor trying to catch up with Quinn, when he's stopped by a small annoying brunette, "Nicholas. I have a proposition?" He walks round her towards his locker as the girl carries on following him, "Nick please? I need help." He stops when he reaches his locker opening it, "Is that the Rachel Berry begging for help?" Nick smirks as he turns to look at her.
"Look I wouldn't ask but your 3rd on the glist and I feel like this would be in the interest of both of us." She tells him as she catches his attention fully, "I'm listening."
"Tonight, me and you... my place." She whispers to him.
"This is strange. I'm not into whatever plot your planning Berry and even if...and that's a big even if, I have a game tonight so I'm out." He replies as she sighs in defeat, "God your no help." He gives her a sorry look and closes his locker door walking off from her.

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