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In Australia when Anna was laying on her deathbed, she didn't feel cold like many would think. She felt warmth around her, she wasn't shivering nor in pain. Her head didn't hurt or her lungs didn't burn but she was in peace.

She didn't feel pain now either which only confirmed her thoughts― that she had died. If Anna was being truthful, she never expected to die a painful death but a quick one, like blinking an eye.

The feeling of Isiah's lips haunted her and she could still taste the aftertaste of the cigarettes he had smoked earlier. Anna wondered did she take it all in then ― when he had kissed her for the last time. She should've told him why she loved him. What were the things that made her knees grow weak whenever he was near her.

Her mother's voice rang in her ear for reasons Anna couldn't explain. Her mother was most likely dead by now ― the noose around Polly's neck must had taken her life already. 

Anna wasn't going to heaven, she knew this much. The nuns had told this to her many times, so did her foster parents and every other soul she has ever ran into in her past. Imogen was the first one who disagreed with all those people and when Anna had cried herself to sleep one night for accidentally breaking a vase, sobbing how she will most certainly end up in hell, Imogen told her she was being ridiculous.

There was a soft if not even gentle lightness in her heart. She had no idea why she felt so calm and collected when thinking of death. The only thing that made her feel sadness and loss was how she won't be able to say goodbye to her mother. How she cannot kiss Isiah again or kick Thomas' sorry arse for being a dick.

Polly's voice was ringing in her ears again. Anna felt something touching her cheek, a warm and loving touch. Her mother's voice however was not the only one she could hear but Isiah and Imogen were there too. Now this made no sense to Anna since Isiah and Imogen were very much alive.

Hearing Polly made sense since she was dead, just like Anna will soon be. But Isiah and Imogen were well and alive and yet Anna could hear them too. Anna could hear them talking about her

They weren't there for too long but Polly's voice stayed. It spoke to her with a shaky voice. Words of love and fear filled Anna's head and she if she physically just could, she would had cried. But she was laying still on her hospital bed, breathing so slowly that it was almost invisible.

What felt like small drops of rain fell on Anna's face ― the rain drops were the tears her mother shed. There was nothing but darkness around Anna as her eyes were tightly closed and have not been opened in days.

Over the years Anna has seen nightmares of a woman in a form of a shadow. Her long and skinny arms would often come and reach for Anna and up until now, Anna has never realized what it means but now she was beginning to.

𝐞 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐈 𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐡 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now