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Polly traveled to London the next day ― the whole family with her. For obvious reason Thomas wasn't with them but he did know about Anna, and was worried. He had asked Ada if he could perhaps come and see Anna but he was told that it would be the best if he doesn't do so. Thomas knew his family hated his guts and that Polly mostly blames him for Anna's situation. While the reason behind Anna's deep sleep was not clear, Polly was sure the stress the girl's been under had something to do with everything. 

It's been awhile since the last time Polly had visited London and all times she thought of returning to the city, she never imagined it to be because of her unconscious daughter. 

Waiting by the hospital doors for Polly and the family was Imogen. She was tired and the bags under her eyes had gone darker over the past days. Though Imogen has tried her best to keep a positive attitude, it has turned out to be very difficult. But she had decided to put up her bravest face on for Polly.

Imogen didn't particularly think of herself as Polly's friend ― she's only been around the woman a few times ― but was aware of how important Anna was to Polly, and knew that the situation was going to be very hard on her. 

"I hope your travels were pleasant," Imogen greeted the guests. 

She knew their travels couldn't be pleasant ― the family had traveled to London to see their sick relative and they've been in prison just a day ago. But Imogen tried her best to make the situation a little less painful. She asked if the Shelbys would like to have some tea first at the tea parlor around the corner but of course her suggestion was squashed and Polly ran inside the hospital to find Anna. 

Imogen watched as the remaining Shelby brothers did the same but Michael stayed behind, staring down.

"She will be fine," said Imogen. 

Michael shook his head. "I haven't said a word to her. I haven't been a brother to her since we were children. And now she might die. It's a cruel twist of fate. I was suppose to die. So were Arthur and John. So was my mum."

"But we all survived but now Anna's the one facing death."

"Anna has faced death several times in her life and she has always managed to escape. She will this time too," Imogen assured. 

"How many times can one escape death before it catches?" Michael sighed and went inside. 

Guilt was eating him from the inside. He truly believed that his and the family's survival was only because Anna's been unconscious for days. The guilt didn't only build up from that ― he felt guilty for not being there for her. He could've been a good brother. He could've helped Anna feel more welcomed when the truth came out. 

𝐞 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐈 𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐡 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now