(1/2) your word? no. . . our word.

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tws/cw : mentions of rejection , jean angst but also comfort because it becomes real.
context : jake sees sean and daisy in the music room but they look close, this causes jake to start crying and run off. which sean notices.
romantic jean + jean comfort hurt ig idk


jake stretched a bit, yawning. he felt, tired for some reason that day. but he was heading back to the music club for his jacket, he was worried that it'd be weird seeing a club member doing something personal there so he was worried to go to the club honestly. and was debating on just going back home and getting it later, but milo would probably pester him into saying where his jacket was.

so jake opted to go to the music club room, not like it was a bad thing or anything. they just felt like something was gonna go wrong, he didnt really know why but he felt like sean would be int there and they'd say something awkward or something and just completely embarrassing himself infront of sean- his new fucking crush.

it was worrying of how easily they got over daisy, yet cant help but use her as an excuse for their crush on sean. honestly, they didn't know how they started even falling for sean so fast. it was like a new him just randomly appeared and he started to like sean a lot. it felt, odd but also like they were living their true self.

but oh, was that high about to crash so far down as they made it to the music room. opening up the door blindly, saying something as they walked in. 

"Hey- sorry for barging in I just need my jack-" oh how foolish of jake, to just walk in. mainly due to how close sean and daisy were, and it psychically pained jake to see that. since his past crush was with his current crush, together, in the same room, all alone. and it fucking made him want to just cry right then and there, it seemed obvious since sean tried to say something but it was ignored by the fact that tears ran down their face. quickly grabbing their jacket and running out the music room.

he felt so fucking stupid! but it really fucking pained him, but he didn't wanna cry right in front of sean yet they already noticed that and was trying to call out to him. but they hit several corners to lose sean, quickly making their way to the rooftop(jake x rooftop trust.) and hiding off to the side. sitting down as they balled up, knees against their chest and arms pulling their legs closer to them as they rocked, sobbing quietly. trying to get the image of sean and daisy out of his head, it pained him psychically and mentally.

it pained him more due to the fact that sean was with his past crush, someone they had loved for fucking years. it was like they were tossed away like trash unintentionally, yet sean didn't know that. sean didnt know that jake loved him, and cherished him, and would die for him. sean did not know that, and probably wont unless they accidentally spilled in front of them.

which wouldn't be surprising if it did happen, and if sean did reject them and isolate themselves from jake. what if the whole club finds out and isolates themselves from jake? what then? they can't just deal with that due to how much effort they put into the club and rehearsals. he couldn't just fix that simply with talking, that would take so much fucking time.

it felt like he was over-reacting, which wouldn't be surprising if he fucking was. it felt like jake was over-reacting to this whole thing but it pained him when it looked like his crushed liked somebody else that wasn't him. 

"You fucking dumb ass Jake! Why did you say that, no. Why did you DO that!?!? You made it obvious you liked one of them, but little did they fucking know right? It was MY fault for not telling them anyways! Why am I the one getting mad?! i like SEAN not DAISY! why did i even LIE about liking sean?! it's not like ill be banished for being gay or fucking something!" He spoke to himself as he sobbed, he rambled on and on about random shit to the point his tongue felt numb and fucking dead at that point. 

sean heard everything, from start to finish as they stood against the edge of the wall that was by the stairs. it was clear they didnt want to interupt jakes little rambling session but after jake stopped, they spoke up.

" you. . . like me? " he said, raising an eyebrow softly as jake jumped and nearly screamed at the fact of somebody being there. he didn't know somebody was even standing there, let alone it be sean of all people standing there. somebody he liked that probably liked somebody else besides him.

" does that matter? you clearly like daisy! " jake said, still nearly crying but no tears were able to be made and to fall down his face. he cried himself dry and now it looked like he was fake sad, but it was clear to tell that he was just broken. completely, and utterly broken. as if he was a vase that was dropped from a rooftop down under ground where he was shattered and forgot about. but in this case, he was found and was possibly gonna be put back together by somebody he fucking loved.

" jake. . . daisy was helping me confess to you. " sean said, looking away slightly. that caught jake off guard as they looked up at sean, confused clearly but knew what sean said. he couldn't form words, his face red as he was blushing. sean  . . .  like him back? then who did daisy like?, was it somebody else or maybe she didn't like anybody? she probably would be too busy to have a crush due to girl duties n stuff she has to do.

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