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Drew fell asleep, it was a long day anyways. A really long day of school, and having to deal with stuff at home. By the time he went to sleep it was 12:30AM, so honestly they just wanted to sleep off their anger and shit. Maybe a Dream will help him? It might, but then again their Dreams recently have been seeming like Nightmares more.

But that besides the point as they lay down, quickly falling asleep on their bed in their slightly cold room. . . .


They spoke to Jake, the world around them was purely white and it was only them. The both of them just standing there, it wasn't quiet due to the fact Drew was talking

"Hey Jake? " Drew said, catching Jakes attention as they softly said a 'hm?' in response, taking that as a sign to continue talking. "I really. . . like you, Jake. " Jakes face turned from confused to disgust, this is when the nightmare kicks in. . .

" What? " Jake said, his voice was filled with disgust and it showed. " I really like you Jake. More then a friend, I just- Can't explain why I feel like this towards you. I've known you for a long time, and it's been a while since I developed this crush on you. . but ever since you started hanging out with the music club and hailey. I just- feel left out and casted away. . " He said, but Jakes disgust was running faster then a river. It shifted to worry as Jake spoke.

" Drew- I'm in love with Hailey. I can't accept your love- " That hit Drew like a truck, it fucking hurt like a train. Tears in their eyes as Drew spoke again, his voice shaky as if it was gonna just crumble any second. " We- We can still be friends right? Right Jake? " The hesitant answer said it all as tears fell down their face, trying to wipe them away as they kept coming.

"I have to think about it, Drew. I dont know if we can be friends. " It fucking pained Drew so fucking badly, they wanted to just ball up and sob until the Dream was over.

" But- You mean so fucking much to me! I cant- just-. . . Lose you like this! Not over some confession! " They said, their voice cracking and had a lacing that tasted desperate and with fear. The tears were falling like a waterfall. And Drew couldn't stop this waterfall, not this time.

" YOU MEAN TOO MUCH TO ME! " They yelled, fear, hurt, and desperation clear in their voice. Sobbing, it was fucking painful to be like this, to be this weak in front of somebody.

They woke up in a cold sweat, fear in their face as they sigh. " Stupid Nightmares again- " They mumble, checking the time.


He should go get ready for school anyways. 

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