Chapter 13

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The next day Adriane had woke up early so she could go train in the ROR but she just couldn't focus today for some reason, no matter what she did it seems like she kept getting lost in thought.

After a few more minutes of trying to work out, she decided that it couldn't hurt to take one day off. She started pacing around while thinking of what she would do about Voldemort, she knew, she had to stop him but she didn't know how!

How does one go about stopping someone who split their soul?

If only she had another one of his Horcruxes then she could get the goblins to track down the others and make him mortal. Adriane jumped when she heard something clang on the ground, causing her to spin around and stare in shock.

A small silver Diadem sat on the ground a few feet away from her, it had a blue oval gemstone in the center of it, there was just something wrong with it.

Adriane heard a soft wailing noise coming from the diadem, she knew that if anyone else were here that she would be the only one that could hear the noise, she also thought that she could hear a woman's voice saying 'Here she comes' over and over again but she couldn't be sure.

Adriane realized right away what this was, how could she not? It was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes! He hid one in the freaking school, right under Dumbledore's crooked nose. If she didn't know how bad this was she would be almost impressed but, as it was, she was horrified!

She quickly grabbed some parchment from her bag along with a quill before she got to work writing a letter for the Grinlast, letting him know what she had found and just where she had found it.


Pop "Yes Mistress Adriane?"

"Dobby, I need you to get this letter to Grinlast right away, It's very important that he reads this. It's an emergency."

Dobby took the letter and popped away without another word causing Adriane to sigh in relief before looking at the diadem with a glare.

She wished she had a way to safely transport it to Gringotts.

. . .

Adriane facepalmed when a bag popped in out of nowhere, right magic wish-granting room, how could she forget that? She used the levitation charm to levitate the diadem into the bag before closing it tight.

Adriane slowly relaxed as she felt the dark, evil energy disappear. It looked like the bag stopped the evil energy from the diadem from getting out, that was good, really good. It would make transporting the thing that much easier and not to mention safer.

She decided to just go take a walk around the lake so she hit the button on her watch to activate her glamour before walking out of the room. Adriane ignored the stares and whispers easily, she made sure it looked like she didn't care about them, which she really didn't.

Sitting down under a tree near the lake she leaned back against it and closed her eyes with a sigh, she silently wondered what would have happened if she never went to Gringotts or what would have happened if she had, had her key on her at the time?

After thinking about it for a few minutes she decided that it was no use wondering what would have happened, she liked the way things had turned out. She had found her true friends, she had found out she had family besides the Dursleys out there. She felt more alive than she ever had before, and, as she realized that she opened her eyes with a small smile, she felt happy, truly happy for the first time in ages.

Despite not liking being forced to be in the tournament it turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to her, when she found out who entered her she would thank them before punching their lights out.

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