Chapter 24

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While Adriane was sleeping on the couch, Clark quickly flew over the Gothem and gave Bruce a copy of today's recording, and mentioned he might have another recording for him later before he flew off.

Bruce wasn't sure if he wanted to listen to the recording or not. He knew that he needed to know, but he really didn't want to listen to his little cousin, being put in even more danger. Sighing, he realized that he needed to let Damien listen to the first recording.

Grabbing the first recording he walked up to his son's room and knocked. "Damien are you in there?"

The door opened within moments, "Yes, Father?" "I have the recording that Clark brought over the other day, he recently brought over a second one. While I'm listening to that one I would like you to listen to this one." Bruce handed the USB over to his son before leaving to the Batcave.

Damien stared at the small USB in his hands. He wondered what could be on it that made Bruce so upset last night. Shaking his head, he closed the door to his room and, walked over to his laptop. He plugged in his headphones and, the USB before sitting down to listen. Damien was only a little surprised when learning that this girl was part Kryptonian, it explained why it was Superman who was bringing them the recordings to listen to. Hell, it explained why this girl went to Superman in the first place.

Damien could admit, if only to himself, that he was shocked when hearing about this girl's father's race. He had no idea that a race like that had ever existed, nor did he ever know that people or aliens could grow strong enough to destroy an entire planet without trouble. Damien made a mental note to track down any Saiyans that might be on the planet so he could keep track of them.

When Damien realized who this girl's Adoptive parents were his eyes widened. This was the girl whose blood had been analyzed, this was his father's cousin, his cousin. This girl was family!

He felt horrified when he learned what had happened to Rose's-Or uh Adriane's as she went by now, parents. Damien had a feeling his dad would speak with her about that charm thing but at the moment he was more worried about his little cousin's mental health. It didn't matter that she was probably a year or two older than him, she was his little cousin in his mind.

He listened to Adriane explain how her parents died in silence. Damien knew that he would always honor those two parents. Parents who gave their lives for their children had his respect.

He frowned when he heard that the "leader of the light" have forcefully changed Adriane into a boy the same night that her parents died. Damien had to hold himself back from going and ramming his sword in the bastard when he heard he left a toddler that had just been orphaned and had a forced gender change on a doorstep like a bottle of milk.

Damien was trying not to kill anyone anymore, that didn't mean he didn't want to kill this man though. Damien had to hold himself back again when he heard how Adriane had grown up, he felt sympathy for his cousin. He knew what it was like to be abused but not the way she had been. He had been killed and brought back to life by his Mother and Grandfather many times.

Damien listened as his cousin explained the houses and thought he heard a hint of bitterness and wondered just what the people in her school did to make her bitter. Wait, shouldn't she be in school if it was a boarding school? What was she doing over in America by herself? How did she manage to book a hotel and a plane ticket by herself?

These were questions he would be asking her when they met.

He would deny it forever if asked but just jaw dropped when he heard that his little cousin took out a giant troll without any training. Damien frowned when he learned of his cousin's adventure at the end of her first year at that school. Why were those obstacles so easy? They first had a three-headed guard dog, anyone who knew the legend of Cerberus knew that if you played music he fell asleep. Next, there was a living plant that, according to Adriane, they learned about in their first year of school. It was easy to take care of that plant as well.

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