5. First Days and Homework

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Shelby's POV

"You ready for your first day?" I ask Bradley from the passenger seat of his car.

"Yep." He nods.

"You're not nervous?" I ask him. My first day of aviation school I was shitting bricks.

"Maybe a little. I just don't really know what to expect." He reveals.

"We'll it's a lot like regular college I guess. I mean I've never been to college, but you get the point." He just gives me a weird look and laughs.

Five minutes later, we're walking through the big glass doors and looking at our schedules to see where to go. Although I've already been here for two years, I'm still really anxious to see what junior year will be like. Hopefully it goes well.

"Alright, I gotta go this way." Brad tells me, pointing towards a hallway in the opposite direction we were walking.

"Okay, I'm upstairs so see you at lunch I guess." I look at the room number for my physics and engineering class.

"See ya, Mitchell." He pats my shoulder and turns away from me.

"Good luck, freshie!" I call as we separate in the crowded hallway.

As I walk up the stairs, I see an array of blonde curls. I immediately recognized Emma, one of my best friends here at the academy. She's in my year, and probably a lot of my classes since she's also studying to become a fighter pilot.

"Emma!" I smile at her. She turns around and grins at me before fully engulfing me in a hug.

"Shel! I missed you so much, Jesus!" We pull away from the hug and step out of the middle of the hallway.

"I missed you t-"

"What class do you have?" She gets straight to the point.

"Anemobarometry right now, and then I have Aerospace Engineering at 1:00." I tell her.

"Oh my gosh, I have Anem right now too! Let's go." We walk to class together.

Class was okay I guess. Me and Emma caught up, I know a lot of people in my classes. Me and Brad ate lunch in the cafe with Reuben, Nat, Emma, Mickey, and that guy named Jake who's in some of Bradley's classes. After lunch I went to Engineering, which was boring. A two hour long class period, and somehow we still have homework. On the first day. So now I'm in my room doing math at 10:47.

"Shel?" There's a knock on my door. A very specific Bradley Bradshaw knock and shout combo.

"Yeah? You can like come in." I answer and watch the doorknob turn. Brad emerges into my room from the hallway in a white tank top and black sweatpants.

"You're still doing homework?" He walks over to the desk I'm sitting at.

"Yeah I'm almost done I just have to figure out this page that we didn't go over in class." I sigh tiredly and rub my eyes to keep myself from tearing up. When I'm frustrated, I cry. And there is nothing that frustrates me more than math.

"Why don't you take a break? Eat dinner maybe?"  He leans against my desk and looks down at me like he's concerned or something.

"I just need to get this done." I shake away the thought of just putting my work off til tomorrow.

"C'mon." He sighs before literally grabbing me out of the chair and walking me out my bedroom door.

"What are you doing, Brad?" I murmur, but still follow him down the hall.

"I made chicken. You haven't eaten since lunch, plus it'll give your brain a little energy." He tells me. I guess I am pretty hungry.

"O-okay." I agree and eat my dinner while he sits next to me in silence.

"My first fucking day and I have this much homework." I mumble under my breath. "This year's gonna be hell."

"It'll be okay. You just need to get used to using your big brain." He tells and and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"You didn't eat this chicken, did you?" The idea pops in my mind. Bradley is the rooster, he can't eat the rooster.

"Yes? I did, why?" He questions me.

"Cause that's cannibalism, Bradley!" I joke with him.

"You're gonna call me a chicken forever now, aren't you?" He sighs.

"Not a chicken, a rooster. The rooster." I chuckle lightly at how funny I think I am.

"Yeah whatever." He scoffs jokingly. "Let's go do your homework."

"Yeah. Let's go, Julio."

Authors note!!
Y'all... I know this is really not accurate when it comes to the navy, and the academy and all. I'm just trying to make the story flow the way I want it to, and I really don't feel like doing a much of research cause this is just to start off before our actual plot gets introduced. Anyway this is my first top gun fic and writing it is reaaasally fun so I hope ppl like it.

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