9. Jeans and A Date

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"Brad!" I yell from the living room. I think he's in his room, but I'm not sure.

"Yeah?" He shouts back from a distance.

"Where's my inhaler?" I ask loudly.

"Uhh in that drawer by the oven. Is everything okay?" He walks out of his room and into the living room/kitchen area.

"You're wrong." I smile.

"What? No I'm not it wa-"

"I moved it." I smile even more. Even something small like this brings me joy. If my dad doesn't think I can handle myself in college after two years, I'll take any victory I can get. And that means I have to break every rule, no matter how stupid it is.

"You're so dumb." He laughs at my immaturity.

"Rule number three!" I cheer.

"Okay, put it back now cause that's for your safety." Boooooring.

"Thats five down!" I high five him. He returns my high five and grabs the inhaler from me, putting it back in the drawer.

"Six." He corrects. What?

"Wha-did I count wrong?" I start retracing my thoughts and counting on my fingers. Nope, five.

"You have a date tonight." He smirks.

"What? No I don-wait." Did he really set me up with someone?

"Rule number two." He explains. "I'm helping you out."

"You set me up with a Navy guy?" That was rule number two, right?

"Yep. You remember that guy I introduced you to in the hallway Tuesday? I gave him your number." He gives me more detail.

"Ohhh, Jacob right? I haven't checked my phone. And why him?" I mean Jacob was cute and all, but I don't know him too well.

"He was crushing on you a bit after that day. He asked me if I could maybe set him up with you, and I said no at first. But since we decided we're breaking the rules, I sent him your number and told him you were interested. He said he's gonna ask you out today." He explains to me.

"Okay. But I'm not really interested in him. He's a freshman right? I'm not really into younger guys." Yeah he's cute, but he's not really my type. And my dad was right when he told me aviator men are shit.

"I mean It's just a date. It's not like you have to actually be with him. If you don't want to I can tell him you have a boyfriend or som-"

"I'll do it." I interrupt him, receiving a surprised look.

"You sure?" He cocks an eyebrow up.

"Just one date. Who knows, maybe he'll be the love of my life." I shrug.

"Woah don't go too crazy." His eyes widen.

"I'm just saying. Might as well give him a shot." I back up my statement. After tonight, I'll have six rules under my belt.

"Perfect cause he's calling you right now." Bradley tells me. Where's my phone?

"What?" I widen my eyes at him. He grabs my buzzing phone off the counter and takes the call from a number that's not yet saved.

"Hello?" I snatch the phone from him and act like I don't know who it is yet.

"Hey! This is Shelby, right?" I hear his voice. Bradley presses the side of his head to mine on the other side of my phone to listen to our conversation.

"Yeah, it's me." I say happily.

"Cool, it's Jacob by the way. I don't know if you remember we met..."

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