Chapter 28

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I wish I would have been brave, sooner.
The past week has been an experience from another reality, like a warp zone sucked me to another universe.
I never thought possible for Isabelle Sophia Jones to become this person, to live this kind of life. Actually, I didn't quite grasp it until yesterday when I suddenly found myself in Chrystal's even if I didn't have a shift. I think it was the first time I sat there as a costumer. I will never forget Nat's face when she saw me cross the door enveloped in Lucas' arm. The coffee she was serving overflowed from the machine and made a mess on the counter. And I could see by the corner of my eye how my boss fist pumped the air and demanded Jhonas to pay up.
I waved at Nat, who lifted her hand back, like in a daze, and followed the group to the usual table. Thom and Jason sat on the booth and I let Lucas drag me up his lap.
He hadn't stopped kissing me, every time he saw me, like he couldn't get enough. I knew for a fact that even if our kisses were steaming hot and I had let his hands wander, it was not nearly enough for him to be satisfied.
“God, I want you so bad, Baby...” He whispered in my ear, ignoring Thom and Jay's disgusted looks.
“Please, both of you, get a room and stop grossing people out. The costumers are trying to eat!”
I never thought those words would be directed at me. But I was the one up in Lucas' lap, getting her brains kissed out. And it felt so amazingly right...
I was turning into shameless Jess!
A cackle escaped my lips before I could tame it.
“What? Are you laughing at my suffering?” Lucas kept whispering in my ear.
“No...” I tried to explain but for some reason, I only ended up laughing harder.
“I'll have you know that when I finally get my hands on you, I'm gonna make you pay for this and for every goddamn cold shower I've taken in my life because of you. And they were A LOT. So many I can't actually keep count of them.”
“Well...” I retorted a little more composed, “I always knew your were a jock: all muscles, small brain...”
“Oh, really...?” The glint in his mischievous eyes was the only warning before he pulled me up and threw me over his shoulder hanging down.
“Lucas! Put me down!”I begged.
“All muscles, small brain can't hear you.” He answered and kept walking to the door.
I knew whatever strength I had, was no match for him, least of all head down, getting dizzy. So I stopped fighting and started to enjoy the view in those washed off jeans. Me being up his shoulder made his t-shirt ride up, so I could see the waistband of his boxers and that plump fine ass trying to escape them. I couldn't help but to admire it! But as we were passing by the counter, I heard a camera click and saw Chrystal, snapping at us.
“I'll send this as a Christmas post card to you, Rossy boy...” She laughed and I blushed crimson red.
“She's bitting her lip and all...” Louise, the cook, that never showed her nose out front, readily mocked me.
“Please, Mrs Carlson, if you send that to me right now, I'll get you Bamma's football player's calendar signed!” Lucas begged, ignoring my mortified pleading.
I heard the notification on his phone before hearing Chrystal's shameless declaration:
“Sorry, Sugar. The boy is a good negotiator...” She shrugged.
A sly, wolfish smile spread across his face. I couldn't see it, but I could hear it! Feel It! Damn bastard...
“Not bad for a small brainer, right?” He bragged and slapped my ass.
As soon as we got to the jeep, he put me down.
“Why did you ditch your friends...?” I asked as he pressed me into the side of the car, with all his weight. I was trying to distract him from the hungry mood he seemed to be riding... but he was distracting me with his sexy self.
“I needed some fresh air.” He explained, kissing my temple. “I never though being your boyfriend would be a torture...” He laughed.
“Why? Did I do something wrong...?” I was absolutely confused.
“No, baby... That's exactly the problem. You push my every button. You're perfect for me in every way and I'm finding it nearly impossible to resist you. I don't want to rush you into you're not ready for.”
I just stared at him like the dork I am, thinking how could I have gotten so lucky. Lucas was taking over every aspect of my word, fast and furiously. I needed him just as much as he needed me, and it was a completely new feeling for me.
I wasn't scared of sex. Specially not with him. I knew he'd be caring and sweet, and would be patient.
“It's not like I haven't thought about it, you know?” I confess, instantly shutting him up. “I might be better at hiding it, but I want you just as bad as you want me.”
“Are you kidding me...?” He asked in disbelief.
“Of course not. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?” I questioned. “You're hot! And sexy. And sweet. And smart. And caring. And funny...”
The glint in his eyes blinded me. He was happy. Those words I just blurted out the passion in my dramatic heart meant a lot to him.
“Wow... I guess you hit the jackpot, than...” He just held me with poorly disguised emotion, his warm hands cupping my face, the sweetest of kisses in my lips.
“I did. And I can't wait to sleep with you.”
“God, Isabelle... That must be the sexiest sentence I've ever heard.” Lucas said, his eyes never leaving mine.
“I've got some other ones up my sleeve. But I'm saving them for later”.
He laughed that wholehearted laugh I loved so much, and after a few more kisses, we jumped on the jeep to go back to my house. His phone stopped him from starting the engine. It was Marie.
“Hello? Mom?”
“Hunny, I need you to go by Bailey's and bring back something for dinner for you and Dante. Your father and I are going out.”
“Sure, i'm on it.”
We got to the dinner and walked in to a very weird silence. I looked around, wondering if there were less costumers than usual, but the place was almost full.
Lucas stopped all of a sudden making me bump into him. As I looked around him, I found Jessica standing there, blocking the way.
I had a sense of Deja Vu.
“So this is where your dick has been visiting these days...” She said for everyone to hear. Lucas' back straightened and his shoulders squared. He thought it was over with last week's tantrum... Ah, de ingenuity!
“What did you say, Jessica?” His venomous calm voice made a chill run down mi spine.
“I mean, you don't answer the phone, and you are parading everywhere by her hand!” She shrilled. “Why are you ignoring me!?”
“Jessica, we are not a couple. We were never a couple. I owe you no explanation. She's my girlfriend now and I'm not fooling around with you, or anyone else anymore. I though I've been clear enough...”
“But why her?!” She whined. People seemed to be holding their breaths in the same silence. “She's not that pretty!”
I could feel the hairs on his back stand. I needed to get him out of there before her forgot she was a woman and give her a piece of his mind in front of everybody. Even if Jess was annoying as hell, he's always been very respectful to women, and if things got out of hand and rumors went back to the coach, he would be out of the field for the next few games, when the scouts came.
“Look, skank...”I started with the meanest side of me, effectively shutting her up. “I know you have a duel to make since your little brain is having a hard time registering that this guy here” I slap Lucas shoulder. “is mine. But please make the effort. He's my boyfriend and I'm not taking your shit. So if you plan on any more petty drama, please, save it. He's not going back to you or any other bimbo unless he wants my foot so far up his ass his grandchildren will need surgery to get it removed.”
By that moment the silence was absolute. The look in her eyes was of disgusted shock, in his... well, he was trying not to laugh.
“And please, Jessica. Have some class. Stop chasing after men like they are prey. Specially mine, if you don't want a taste of the crazy bitch girlfriend mode.”
I patted her shoulder and dragged Lucas to the counter where he placed his order to be delivered. When we left the dinner, she was still standing there trying to process.
Lucas grabbed my hand and pulled me to a dark corner on the parking lot.
“Is it wrong that I find what you just did the sexiest thing ever?” He asked as his hands pressed my ass, pushing me to feel jus how exciting he found the whole thing in my abdomen. It made me rethink my fearless stance before sex. I hoped to God that monstrous thing fit...
“You find a lot of things sexy these days.” I answered swallowing nervously. “Must be the abstinence...” His lips were trailing distracting wet kisses on my neck.
“No, Isabelle. It's you. Only you.”

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