Chapter 19

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"That's inacceptable. You are not missing your last Homecoming, Miss." Chrystal said wiggling her manicured finger in my face, making her point across.

"Chrystal First problem: I don't have a date."

"Please" She laughed condescendingly and rolled her eyes at me. "I'd solve that in a heartbeat."

"Second: I don't have a dress" I quickly said before she could offer the asshole of a manager to take me, right there.

"I'm sure I can get Lucy down the street to lend you one from her store. You wouldn't even have to spend money on it"

"Third issue, but the most important one: I don't wan to go!"

She rolled her eyes at me yet again, and was about to speak again when the bell over the door announced a costumer.

Lucas came through the door followed by a harem of skanks. My heart immediately sank.

"Hey, Rossi boy! Did you hear? Our Belle here says she's not going to Homecoming! She says she doesn't have a date..."

He looked at her with a bored expression and coldly answered: "She's not my problem. You got the wrong Rossi."

Chrystal's mouth hung open to his words and turned to look at me. I couldn't do anything but cast my eyes to the floor I had just wiped. The pieces of my heart were all squeezed together in my throat.

"Are you kids fighting?" She inquired.

"We were never really friends, Chryst... It was just a momentary truce." I told her, retreating to the back, so she wouldn't be able to see the hurt in my eyes.

"Hey, Nat... Can you take Rossi's table?" I begged my friend. She nodded rubbing my back.

Nat was always the one to tend to his table when he came, before. It was so often that we naturally ended up working diferent sectors like we really planned it. He would always go to the same table and for some reason it was always empty no matter how busy the store was.

"Hey, Chrystal! Where's my girl?" I heard Vic in the front.

"Oh, just the other person I needed to talk to" Chrystal was saying as I came out, not taking her eyes off her phone. "You grab your girl and go to Lucy's down the street to fetch a dress for Homecoming."

"Say what?!" Vic blinked away her stuppor and then looked at me questioning. My answer was a sigh.

There was nothing to be done when Chrystal took somebody's matter as her own. She was like a bulldozer. She would stop at nothing to get what she wants or feel is needed. And right now, she thought we needed to go to that damn stupid dance.

"But" Vic started, but my boss' hand covered her mouth.

"I know all the nonsense you are about to spout, Hun. I already heard the excuses from her" She nodded my way. "You girls won't go away to college without the full HS experience. This year you are going to Homecoming and you are gonna have fun memories too."

Whit that said, and a scary smile of the kind 'don't mess with me if you don't want to suffer', she pushed us out through the door and watched us take doubting steps away in the direction she indicated.

"Go on" She shooed us! "I'm not moving from here untill I see you girls get to Lucy."

Her manicured finger pointed at the brunette waiting in the corner. Her excited smile said she was gonna enjoy using us as mannequin.

A chill ran down my spine. I always knew Crystal had the evil in her

After an exhausting hour of trying on outfits with a really hyper Lucy, we came back to the shop carrying each a box with Lucy's choice for us, and the promisse to come back for Prom.

I have to admit the dresses were gorgeous. And we only had to take care of them and return them after the dance, so it didn't cost a dime, just like Chrystal said.

We got in and moved to the back, where the boss' office was.

I noticed Lucas was gone and the caffe was almost empty. Everyone was getting ready for the dance.

"Did you girls have fun?" She asked looking at a delighted Vic.

"That was awsome! I felt like Julia Roberts in 'Pretty woman'"

"I didn't think you girls would know that old movie!" Crystal laughed.

"What're you talking a bout?! It's a classic!"

"The dresses are beautiful, Chryst, but you forget we don't have dates... Isn't that classifyed as humiliating?" I pointed.

"Who said you don't have dates?"

"Oh, no, Chrystal... Don't tell me you asked Jonas to take us" My face must have paled because she started laughing.

I hated the horny bastard of a manager.

"No, no... You girls get two gorgeous studs from my very own family."

"Oh. My. God. Are you talking about the twins?!" Vic asked, already drooling in anticipation.

"Mhm... And they are really happy to do it."

I doubted that.

The Forest twins were legends, much like the 'Rossi boys' of their own Highschool. Tall, built and gorgeous, they looked like male models.

Even if they were twins, Chrystal always said they were really diferent in personalities. Jasper was the quiet one, serious and cool, always sorrounded with an aura of mystery and danger that made the girls crazy. Jace, on the other hand, was outgoing, charming and funny... another chick magnet. They were polar opposits. And they were absolutely crazy about their older sister... and were whiped by her. Well, 'beaten into shape', according to my boss.

"Oh... which one do I get?!" Vic asked bouncing around, aecstatic.

"You'll have to wait and see" Chrystal winked.

I was absolutely certain this would be a bad idea. I could feel the dark omen surround us. Even if going to the last dance escorted by these fine male specimen seemed like fun, I couldn't shake it off. It was Lucas Rossi's school. If he felt like making a fuss because they were from another school, he would, and ruin the night for us.

The hate he seemed to feel for me came back with full force. I had no idea what went on in his head or how to deal with him. I just wanted the year to be over with and be out of his way.

"Hun, I can see how much it hurts." Crystal said, her hand gracing my cheek with such warmth that made my eyes water. "He's hurt too. I dunno why or how, but I can see his heart is as broken as yours. you need to talk it out, or you'll regret it."

"He doesn't have the right to take his heartache out on me, Chryst. I've been putting up with his shit for too long, wishing for him to remember how close we were, how much we cared for each other, for us to be friends again before we have to leave, maybe forever. You know who he is, who he'll be... He's never coming back. He'll be in billboards and the 'Hall of fame' before he turns thirty. And I'll be lucky if I can make it out of college and land on a good job. We'll be in two different worlds We've always been in different worlds."

"Once you fall in love, the world becomes really small. Only you and that special person are part of it. You'll know who his world is soon enough" She cryptically whispered.

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