Chapter 10

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Aunt Clair's new man was a Sushi restaurant owner. He was japanesse and a very handsome man, named Kaito. What Grandma failed to tell the messanger who picked me up from Chrystal's, was that they were coming with Asashi, his eighteen years old son, who was a gorgeous half breed with stunning asian features and bright blue eyes. Absolutely to drool for.

He had big, barely slanted eyes. His straight hair was as dark as a crow's feather and he wore it a little long on the top, but not quite a quiff. He was lean but seemed strong. At least his byceps were defined and bulky in a harmonious way. He had a swimmer's tipe of body, not the ripped pure muscle power like the footballers.

"So, Isabelle... What does your name mean?", he asked. To them it was an important subject at presentations, since japanese names mean different things according to how they write. His name meant rising sun. Even his name was to die for.

"I think it means God's promise" I answered uncertain.

I liked the way his lips turned upwards in the corner of his mouth. It was cute... and sexy.

Grandma, Marie and aunt Clair brought the coffe and pastries to the living room, where we were all hangging out. Mr. Rossi and Kaito were chatting about his restaurants drinking an expensive scotch, while us four were sitting on the couches. I was waiting for the sweets, of course. Aunt Clair always brought me some from a patisiere down the street to her penthouse.

Asashi took another zip of coffe and fixed his eyes on mine.

"Interesting. I'd like to know who were you promised to", Is he flirting with me? Was that flirting?

"You wanna know what my name means?" Lucas asked squinting his eyes at him. His voice low and menacing. "It means stay the fuck away from her or I'll rise your ass above your head permanently."

Asashi laughed at his joke, but I knew he was being serious.

"So, Asashi", Marie claimed his attention. "Are you studying in New York? You've decided what you wanna do after Highschool?"

"Actually, I finished Highschool last semester, and I went to visit my family in Okinawa during the summer. I just got back a couple of days ago."

Marie and Grandma made an approving sound.

"I decided to take a semester off and then I'll go into Harvard bussiness school. My father needs a rightful heir" , he laughed and so did his father.

"Oh, Belle would love to go there too", Grandma said. "She's waiting for her acceptance letter. Adrien, the Rossi's oldest son goes there. He's Belle's best friend", she ran away with her mouth

"So, there's a chance for us to be in the same campus next year", Asashi pointed, smiling.

"We'll see" I answered.

"And you, Lucas? What are you doing after Highschool?" Aunt Clair was dying to know. "Alice tells me you are a football prodigy... Any colleges in sight?"

"He recived various interesting offers from universities on sport's scholarships", Vittorio commented. He was so proud of his son he could barely contain. "He's concidering it carefully. We have a couple of favourites that coul help him develop into the professional level he seeks."

"I've heard there's a chance for him to go pro after Highschool", Kaito intervined. "He's all over the sports news in this state."

"It's a long shot." Lucas finally said. "I wanna consider my options. It would be stupid to jump on the NFL fresh out of High and end up hurting myself before I'm twenty one. The demands are much higher and I think it will be wise to take things step by step, to take advantage of the things college has to offer, not only in the football field, but in life. Football players have a short carrer. I wanna have something to lean on when I retire... So I'm gonna take the best opportunities I can get in both athletics and academic."

Oh-my-God... I think I just had my panties watered. He is being so smart and serious about this... So mature and centered, so reliable...

"What?" He asks at my starstrucked face.

"Nothing... I had no idea you thought about things so carefully", I admitted.

"Well, it's nice to know you are paying attention to me for once", he bited back.

Everyone started laughing and conversation moved to other topics.

After coffe, Grandma and the visitors retired to rest. Dante followed me to Adrien's room and jumped to the bed, ready to watch a movie in his big T.V. His big brother knew I was usurping his bedroom, we had talked in the evening. His only warning was not to look under the bed... which of course, I did, only to find a box with old dirty magazines.

I got into the bathroom with my necesaire. I washed my theeth, cleaned my face, put my pj's and avocado mask on and got out to find two comfortable giants laying on the double bed. Lucas was scroling down on his phone against the headrest and Dante was sprawled at the feet, eating pop corn out of a big bowl. Both of them snorted, when they saw my green face.

"If you are staying here, you need to abide by the etiquete code" I said, taking the face mask out of my necesair. Both of them shrugged, so I started with Dante, who seemed really into having his face smudged with it. Then I put my hairband on Lucas, so his heair wouldn't fall over the cream, and started to spread it. He kept looking at his phone, his thik lashes standing out against the green. Damn princess eyelashes...

I couldn't believe he was letting me do this to him. I couldn't believe he was being so nice, so calm, so damn cute... I was kinda scared by now. Maybe something was really wrong with him... But I couldn't help to enjoy getting the old Lucas back, even if it was just for a while.

Five minutes later we were all watching the movie, waiting for the face mask to dry off so we could wash it off. We were so concentrated that didn't notice Marie sneaking up on us 'till the picture snap sounded and she started runnning to her bedroom, laughing.

Dante was the first one to run after her, banging on the door for her to open.

Lucas was the first to see the picture posted in Instagram, with all of our names tagged under the hashtag #Girl'sPjParty.

After one hour of begging and banging at her door, it had two thousand hearts and almost a hundred shares.

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