Chapter 14

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"Mom, I know, stop laughing!... Just tell me where the damn things are. Alice's door is closed, and she needs it!"

Lucas was frantically walking the same square meters for the fourth time, talking to Marie. I couldn't be more embarrassed.

My period came while I was working, so I used my last tampon. Now that everybody was out of the houses, I noticed I didn't have any more left here, and Grandma and Asashi took both house keys with them. The fact that my cramps were killing me right now didn't help either.

"I got them!", Lucas said victoriously, handing me the box and a bottle of tylenol pills.

"Oh, bless your soul!", I answered swallowing two pills and running to the bathroom.

I took a hot shower and by the time I was out, I felt almost like new. Only a small pinching in my lower abdomen left. My periods tended to be really painful on the first day.

Lucas was sprawled on the bed, looking at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts.

"Penny for your thoughts?", I said, sitting on the edge of the bed, drying my hair with a towel.

"I didn't know how complicated being a women could be...", he sounded serious. "Is it always so painful? Your face was completely pale..."

"Nope, not every time is like this... and not for everybody." I cleared, less embarrassed this time. "I'm sorry you had to ask your mom about girl stuff"

"She's gonna make fun of me forever", he laughed, and I joined.

"That was very sweet, tho" , I whispered, my cheeks feeling like fire.

"You're welcome", he said. His smile was authentic and it melted my heart.

"We can eat desert now, if you want" , I offered, walking to the stairs so I could get it.

"Leave it, I'll go. You can look for something in Netflix."

We ate, watched a movie and laughed most of the evening. I can't remember when I fell asleep, but I woke up to a call from Vic.

"What?", I mumbled, pushing the answer and speaker, still asleep. I could hardly breathe.

Why was it so hard to breathe?

Lucas' head was on my stomach and his arm was constricted on my hips. He was using me as a pillow.

"Girl, you should check Facebook...", she urged.

"Really? You woke me up an hour earlier just to tell me that?", I retorted offended. Nobody messes with my sleep.

"Check it!" The desperation on her voice did the trick.

I moved from under Lucas, very carefully, trying to take my phone from the nightstand without waking him up. I wasn't sure why... Could be because I didn't want him grumpy for the rest of the day, or because I loved the feeling of his hair tickling my skin.

He moved a little, pressing his face further into my belly, his arms tightening around me. My heart skipped a beat, and I had to suppress the need to tangle my fingers in his bangs.

Facebook opened slowly, but the first image I saw was a repost from one of Lucas' fans club.

It was a picture of us outside Chrystal's, taken from the inside. Most likely, by the three glaring skanks.

Lucas was leaning, talking in my ear, smiling. Of course he looked hot in it. The caption said The King and the waitress.

"Oh, no...", I jumped out of bed, almost throwing Lucas to the floor.

He woke up startled, looking around. When he saw me passing the floor nervously, he came closer.

"What? What happened?" His voice was urgent and worried.

"Look!", I whined, pressing the cellphone to his nose. "Now it's going to be even worst! If there was any girl in a sixty miles radius who didn't know who you are, they know now because of that stupid hot picture! And thanks to those skanks, they are all gonna be after me!!"

My mind was racing with plans to get out of town incognito. Maybe if I wore that wig Vic left in my house on Halloween... I could ask aunt Claire to keep me in her house 'till school was over... maybe finish Highschool online... How was I ever gonna enter Harvard with an online degree!?

"Belle, calm down... We can fix this", Lucas said, but he wasn't even believing it himself. There were so many threats and hurtfull things in the comments...

"Oh, God... It's going to be like that movie, 'Carry'... But I don't have her fricking powers to make them all blow up!"

"I'll stop them, they wont get near you", he assured me. Or tryed to.

"Lucas, remind me what happened the last time you said you were gonna fix things...? And it's not they will do things to me in your face. They will smile at you and when you turn, they're gonna set my locker on fire, or throw paint on me... or... God!! What happens if they get me into trouble at the caffe!? They know where I work now!", I panicked.

"They won't do shit to you, Belle! I won't let them get close enought to hurt you! Trust me!", he promised, grabing me on my forearms, making me face him. His eyes were so serious, so determined.

"How are you gonna do that? Are you sticking to me like glue the whole day?"

"I will, if that's what it takes. And when I can't be there myself, I'll have someone take care of you"

"This is madness... We won't be able to live in peace"

"I'm sorry" Lucas finally said, and he meant it, too. "In a few weeks, they'll forget"

I knew he was talking about the end of term and the SATs. But I knew better. They worshipped him like a god. They wouldn't take their attention away from him for too long.

"Maybe if we show them I'm not a threat...", I thought out loud.

"What do you mean with 'being a threat'? How are you a threat to anybody?"

"I meant if they know I'm not your girlfriend" I answered. He sighed.

"They won't believe we are just neighbours, either, Belle", he butted in. He seemed... upset?

"But they will believe we are best friends!", I said triumphantly. "We've been best friends before"

He turned and sighed again. Then came back with his phone and snapped a shot of us. He typed something and at the very second, an Insta notification beeped on my phone.

I opened to see the picture of us looking at each other: I looked surprised... he looked pissed, for some reason. The caption read Best. FuckingFriends.

"You happy?" Yep, he was pissed.

"Are you?" I squinted my eyes at him.

And now I was pissed that he was pissed! It was my fucking head they were after because of him!

"So, from now on we are going to be like fingernails and dirt." His smile grew wide and mean. He was planning on something sinister. I could feel it! The mother fucker was enjoying it! "We are gonna be together all day long, showing to the world how deep our childhood friendship goes."

"Yayyy" I mockingly celebrated. He slowly walked to me, his eyes fixed on mine. He spoke to me with his face only inches apart.

"Get dressed, 'Bestie'... We leave in twenty", and he left the room. A really strage aura oozing out from him.

"Okay, 'bro'!" I bitted back, shutting the door to his back.

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