Chapter 15

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Best fucking friends, my ass!

How can she be so oblivious! I'm pouring my heart out in everything I do lately. Everyone knows how I feel about her! Everyone but her!

"We've been best friends before..." I mimicked her voice in my head and found myself hating the thought.

We were best friends up 'till the day I realized I wanted to kiss her instead of pissing her off! Her being in love with Adrien should know what it feels like. She's a girl! She should know about all this romantic crap I keep doing around her!!

Even my mom laughs at me!

"Oh, Hunny I never thought I'd live to see the day you got desperate for a box of tampons..." She was out of breath by now. We were both sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Belle and Dante to pick up their shit and come back down.

"Ugh... don't remind me about that." I pressed on my temples trying to get rid of the images.

"Your father would've never done that when we were dating. I'm so proud of you... Your heart was always in the right place, my boy". Her little hand grazed the crown of my head and my cheeks. I moved aside, trying to fix my hair again.

"You know what's funny? She can't see it."

"Well, you are not being very clear about it, Hun. You've been sending her mixed signals your whole life. You go never talk to her, you always seem to be in a bad mood whenever she's here, you go out with other girls... many, many other girls..." I shake my head, embarrassed and she continues after an accusatory look.

"But I take care of her... and protect her whenever she needs me to. Does she think I'd do that for any other girl? Does she think I'd go through my mother's underwear drawer and get scarred for life for anybody else? I don't even want to step into your bedroom, ever again! You shouldn't be surprised if I turn gay after this traumatic experience..."

"Oh, don't be over dramatic, you big baby... It's only lingerie. I'm sure You've seen a fear share of it too. You are just like your father."

"Stop. Just stop. Too much info." I said, trying to shut her up before the trauma gets bigger. She just laughed again. "If I ever get lucky with her, I'm banning her from ever wearing red underwear."

"She wouldn't look good in it anyways" She said. "But I have some gorgeous black lace panties that would be perfect for her."

"LA, la, la, la , la ..." I covered my ears and ran out of the house before I could never get my dick up again.

I looked at Belle now, sitting next to me in the car. She even looks mad. What the hell...!

"Why is it I never get to ride shotgun since you take us to school, bro?", Dante was pissed to, today... Is it 'fuck with Lucas 'till he murders someone' day?

I didn't bother answering, instead I asked her:

"Why are you so angry now?!"

I saw Dante freeze in the back seat. I can imagine why. Belle and I hardly talk to each other in public, unless I'm too drunk or too pissed to control myself.

"Shut up, Lucas, or I'm gonna hit you and we'll end up being a Jeep pretzel on a lamppost!", she hissed back. Is it too wrong that I find that super hot?

"What! You were the one who came up with the plan, and now you're mad at me?! That's gold...", I shook my head.

"I would've hidden in the library 'till graduation! I'd wear a wig! No one really saw my face! But there you go, without even consulting, and post a clear picture of me where you can even count the freckles on my nose!", she laughed humorlessly, then turned to face Dante, completely serious. "If I show up dead in some kind of sacrifice ritual with pictures of your goddamn brother around me, I want you and Adrien to avenge me! You hear me?!"

Dante's mouth fell open. We were already in the parking lot, and Belle jumped off the car and hid behind a three, looking to the crowd. I'd asked the guys to wait for me in the field, so no one was really around us.

I got out and took my backpack, checking the way her perfect ass showed in that position, under the hoody she was wearing. I sneaked up on her from behind and pinched the skin that showed above the waistband of her jeans. She jumped in my arms, hitting me in the shoulder and calling me a jerk.

"Come on. It's show time, Babe..."

"Stop calling me that! You're gonna make it worst if someone hears you!", she whisper-shouted.

Hmm... Interesting. She doesn't mind me calling her that, but people listening...

I started walking to the entrance, a few pair of eyes on me already, when I noticed she wasn't following tow. Dante was still standing next to her with this stupid look in his face.

"Isabelle, move!" .She walked to me so slow I almost got back and carried her up my shoulder. That would've made her snap... I should have done it.

We slowly approached the door. Every pair of eyes out there, on us. I was okey with it, I'm used to it, but she was terrified. She had this ridiculous illusion that she was invisible in school. Nothing further than that. I'd had to work very hard on my persuasion skills to make all the guys understand they shouldn't approach her.

She stood there, next to me, with her eyes screwed to the ground. I could feel the tension radiating from her in waves.

"If you don't stop this timid behavior I'm gonna kiss you right here, in front of everybody..." I whispered to her. The shock in her eyes made me laugh bitterly.

I had the whole thing staged with a couple of guys. And everything was going smoothly.

When Belle looked up at me, I told her loud enough for everyone to hear, but soft enough so they had to make the effort... natural.

"Look down to no one, B. Or your crown will fall" and I smiled at her awestruck face and the dreamy sigh from the girls around us.

I left her there and got into the building, 'cuz I didn't want to hear the next part.

Jason would approach her and act all friendly, asking her what our relationship was. She'd be too overwhelmed to answer before Dante came to her help and tell him loud enough for everyone to hear, that she was like our sister.

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