Chapter 24

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I couldn't believe I finally said it.

I couldn't believe how she responded.

I couldn't believe she was finally mine.

She was asleep in my arms now. We kissed so much that my lips actually feel tender. She's like magic. After so many years, after having kissed so many other girls, kissing her felt like actually getting home after a long, tiresome journey. Like finally getting to paradise.

It took everything I have to control myself. My body kept pushing so that we take things further. After so much time yearning for her, and seeing her response to me was exactly right, so perfect in every way, it was completely nerve-wracking.

I turn my face from the ceiling and watch her face as she's far out in Dreamland. She's flawless. The most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Her soft, almost translucent skin is strategically sprayed with golden freckles, giving her graceful features an innocent air. Her almond shaped eyes have very soft, slightly violet colored, velvety texture. Her long eyelashes are dark in the base but turn red at the ends, making them look shorter than she would want, but are so beautiful and rare to me... Her small upturned nose looks like the kind the girls would pay a fortune to get at a surgeon's, and that mouth with the small but pouty lips that always seem to be forming a pucker

I can't help my breath to get caught in my throat as she fastens her arm around my chest and snuggles against it. A small smile on her plump red lips, tender from so much kissing too.

I can't fucking believe she's finally mine.

My left hand, that was resting on her hip itched to go down, to her butt. But I didn't want to go there without her permission. Belle wasn't just any girl. She was the love of my life, my everything. I wanted to be sure that whatever I did to her, she was cool with, and she would enjoy it.

My phone beeped in the night stand and I slowly reached for it. I didn't want to wake my girl -My girl!.. I still can't believe it...- up and make her cranky the rest of our first day together. No one messes with Isabelle's sleep.

The beep was a text from Adrien.

"First of all: Congratulations, you fucking bastard!! You finally manned up and acted!! I'm so proud of you I can't even start to describe it. And I'm so happy humanity won't have to suffer your frustrated ass anymore...!! B should get a monument in Rushmore for it. Wipe out the presidents! Bring Isabelle Jhones!"

I laughed out loud at his histrionics, causing Belle to remove. Fortunately, she just snuggled closer and kept sleeping.

"Second: I think you should go to Insta and Facebook to do some damage control before she wakes up."

"How do you know she's asleep?"

"'Cuz Dante's been spying on you for fifteen minutes"

Damn kid! He's dead!

"As expected, your romantic declaration last night was recorded. You can't hear the words, and can't see clearly either, 'cuz it was taken from behind a bush or something... But the body language is very elocuent and you can fill in the blanks with it. Hot kissing, by the way. I'm proud of you, stud!"

"Shut up, Adrien"

"Anyways, there's a lot of reposts and creepy comments on the posts. I think you should take charge before B or Victoria see it. Belle is gonna loose it and your chance to start something from the right place is gonna go down the drain, after all your hard work."

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