Chapter 2

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Here we are. First day, last year in highschool.

If I wasn't so smart, Id be excited about the prospect of this new semester to be different from the ones before. Maybe making a friend... having a date...

But no. Im smarter than that. The only thing thats going to change is the driver on our carpooling.

Oh, and in general lines, this would be the worst year ever.

"...and then Marck told Jay Jay hed had to run three extra miles just for being late..." Dante's rambling kept on going the whole way, even when Lucas didnt open his mouth once.

I looked through the window, thinking nervously till a huge hand fell on mine, holding them still. I didnt even realized I was rubbing them together.

"Stop it, Belle. You are driving me crazy", his low and deep voice resounded inside the car.

"Why are you so nervous, beautiful? If you want to, Id be more than happy to give you a massage to help you relax...", the Perv in the back sit offered, but Lucas sent a glare his way -one of those that make all the hairs on your forearm stand, you know?- and the kid resumed the ranting about the junior football team again.

In all honesty, every look from our designated driver was scary.

Lucas was the football team's captain, the most awarded one in the State. Everybody knew he was the next best think on the sport. He breathed intensity and worked hard, to the max. He had the right mind set to succeed, but he was so serious and had such a temper, that only the brave would dare to talk to him.

Generally, that group consisted in some teachers -yeah, just a few of them...- his teammates -who looked up to him like he was a god- and the skanks throwing themselves at him.

I intertwined my fingers on my lap, to keep them still, after he removed his. I mumbled a soft "sorry", and lost my sight out the window again in time to see us going into the school parking lot.

The Jeep stopped and Dante jumped out of it, running to join the group waiting for him near the entrance. Lucas took his time looking for his backpack, putting on his aviator shades and closing the car. Then he walked away without a word, going to where his teammates were waiting for him under a tree, surrounded by skanks whose belts were wider than their skirts. They almost choke on their own tongues at his sight.

I shook my head and started walking to the entrance.

I mean... yes, the guy was a fine male specimen, with his Adonis body and the face of a movie star... but he had the Grinch's personality. You couldn't talk to him without getting a bark as a response and was definitely the most intimidating jerk I've ever laid eyes on. And trust me on that, I know what I'm talking about. I've known him my whole life. We are neighbours since we were born.

We used to be the best friends, once upon a time. We were always together. It was weird to find one and not the other. I even used to go see his football practice sometimes... But somewhere around puberty, the bastard decided I wasn't good enough to be around him any more.

And now, he hated me. I knew he did. He was the only Rossi who made ignoring me, his life goal. Like right now.

Everything was easier last semester. Adrien was our driver. He was so nice to everybody... always waving and smiling around. He was the most popular guy in school and my best friend, in who I secretly had a bit of a crush on.

If only he didn't have to move half the country away to go to college...

The Rossi boys were the top of the food chain at school. Even Dante, who was a first year, had made a name for himself.

He was the perfect mix between his brothers' personalities... But with a more perverted note. He had Adrien's social skills and carefree disposition and Lucas's determination and focus. I was sure he'd be the best one of them. Even when Lucas would be the famous one and Adrien would be the successful one.

He was a good kid. Hormone enraged, but cool over all.

"Belle...", Lucas' voice shook me out of my thoughts. "I'll be waiting for you after practice".

"I...", I stuttered, surprised by the fact he was talking to me so casually in front of his friends. Hed never done that before. And everybody was silently looking our way, specially his friends, who didn't seem to believe he'd done that... Talk about awkward...

"I have extracurriculars today... You dont have to wait for me. I can go home with Victoria or walk"

And there it was. That bone chilling look that could make anyone piss on their pants. Yeah... he took his shades off to add it effect and everything...

No, I wouldnt get my way.

"I promised Alice I would take you to and from School every day... Are you trying to make me break my word?", he questioned gravely, squinting his eyes at me like in that worn out Klin Eastwood movie. His deep voice dropping an octave.

The skanks were glare-murdering me, most of them wondering who the hell I was.

I'm a wallflower kind of girl, and that's the way I like it. I worked really hard to go through High School unnoticed. My life would start with College, when I was finally free from this God forsaken town, and I was happy with that prospect. It was my life's purpose. I didn't want everything to ruin now when I was just a few months away from my dreams to come true.

I swallowed hard and shook my head no to Lucas. I had to vanish pronto, so those girls wouldn't take me as a menace.

He turned and stalked away.

"Goddamn Neanderthal footballer", I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?", he asked turning around. How the hell did he hear that?!

I scurried off, walking faster, like I didn't notice he was talking to me.

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