Chapter 12

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"I know, don't scream into my ear, Adrien. I have no clue of what happened to him. I think he might be on drugs... He's been acting so weird!", I said to the phone. Adrien's laugh was contagious.

Vic was standing next to me while I talked to him, on our way to lunch. According to him, he got three different calls in the latest hour from people commenting him of Lucas' behavior this morning in the parking lot, and asking about our relationship.

"You know, there's a picture in Instagram of him kissing you...", he said.

"Oh... My... God...", I panicked.

Victoria heard him (of course she would, her ear was next to mine, trying to eavesdrop the conversation...) and automatically started scrolling to her account. Her face light up in atonishment while she turned the screen to me.

There we were. All three of us. It looked like a fucking profesional paparazzi shot.

I was holding onto my books, my hair shining in the sun like a shampoo add! Victoria's mouth was wide open looking at us. Lucas was still wearing his shades, and his lips were gracing my forehead, his hand in my upper arm. It looked like he was caressing me. If you didn't know us. You'd think we were a couple.

"Oh, no... My un-reputation is over!", I cried to Adrien.

"Un-reputation?", he laughed so hard he could barely breathe.

"You know what I mean, you asshole! I've worked hard to have an inconspicuous school life. Now everything is being geopardized by your damn man-whore of a brother and his crazy lips! Every skank he's ever slept with or the ones who intended to, will come after me!", I whisper-yelled to my phone.

"He is the only one tagged in the picture, Belle...", Vic tried to calm me down. "Your face doesn't show..."

"Well, there are not many natural redhairs in school...", Adrien connoted.

"Not helping, Adrien!"

"Look, just tell Lucas to drop the tag... or tell Jason to take down the picture...", he offered. I was so tormented that I didn't even think about that.

"Yeah, Belle. We should find one of them and tell them. The post is spreading like wildfire and every crazy ass fangirling over Lucas in this state is gonna start tracking you down", said Vic. "Lets call them".

"I don't want to sound pessimistic, Belle... But Lucas is one of the likes.", the bastard laughed before hanging up on me.

"It only shows in Lucas' profile?", I asked Victoria, trying to calm down. We were now locked inside the bathroom, both our classes already started.

Vic was doing the intelligence, typing furiously on her phone and on mine too.

"No, hun... It's going around. Did you know he has goddamn fanclubs?! And so many, many followers...", she lost herself into the screen again. "Holly mother fucker...! Did you see the pictures he uploads? I'm shocked he doesn't have more..."

"I don't really use Instagram and I didn't add him untill yesterday... We were not in good terms, if you can remember..."

I scrolled down on his profile and my heart just stopped.

The picture under the problem one, was the one Marie took with our faces covered in avocado mask. The likes were multiplied by five and had many more reposts. The number of comments was crazy! Most of them were from girls wondering who the hell was the bitch in the middle...

As I went down to older posts, I just built a necessity for a cold shower.

Lucas looked like a profesional model. Every picture was to make you drool all over him. He was showing off his abs, and that damn V on his hips... displaying his tattoos, sexy faces and poses...

"What the...", I whispered out of breath.

"I'll say..." Vic agreed. "It's like watching porn. My panties are soaked!"

"Victoria!", I reprimanded but she defended:

"Eyes are for watching, darling... As long as it's not yours, I'll feast on that gorgeous quarterback's ass."

I took my phone back and dialed his number. It ringed for a whole minute, but he didn't pick up. So I called Jason. He picked after two rings.

"Yo, Belle...", he said suspiciously fast, like he was waiting for me to call.

"Jason! Jason... Please take the picture down!"

"What picture?", he faked ignorance. What the fuck was going on here?

"You know what picture, damn it! All those skanks you jocks hang out with are after my blood! Have you seen what they wrote on it?! If they find me, I'm dead!"

"Belle, You are being over dramatic...", Jason dismissed.

"They are writing threats in the damn post!!", I yelled, but someone took the phone away from him.

"No one is gonna do anything to you...", Lucas smug voice came through the line.

"You!!! You asshole!! I've been calling you! Why didn't you pick up?!" I screamed, bringing back Vic's attention to the phone call.

"Feisty, aren't we...?", he purred making my blood boil. "I purposely ignored you, Isabelle."

"You are enjoying this, aren't you!? Why do you wanna watch me squirm, Lucas? What have I ever done to you!?"

"You wouldn't even start to understand, Belle... Besides, what's the problem with a little picture?"

"It looks like we are a couple! You know they'll reap my head off... all those 'fans' of yours"

"Relax, no one is going to do anything to you. Your face doesn't show..."

"But my hair does! Do you see many girls with my hair color hanging around you?" ,I desperately argued, trying to convince him.

"I'll tell you what... I'll prove to you that that picture will be forgotten in two seconds after the next one I upload."

"Please, just drop the tag or make Jason delete the post. Please. I swear to God, Lucas, I'll do anything you want."

Vic's eyes grew so big, her eyelashes seemed to tangle in her eyebrows.

"Oh... that's an offer I'd like to take, but I happen to really like my hair in that picture..."

"...And your ass...", Vic commented.

"Yeah... my ass looks nice in it too, doesn't it, Victoria?", he laughed, pleased. I just shot my best friend a murderous glare.

She mouthed: 'What? It does'.

"So... What will you do for me if the next picture I post gets twice the hearts that this one?"

"Why would I care how many likes your pictures have? I just don't want to be murdered by a herd of your skanks!", I repeat.

"I promise, no one else is going to talk about that picture after it. If you don't want to, I'll keep the last one for as long as you want, so everyone will see it and share it..."

"Alright, whatever.", I said, defeated. "Just do whatever you think it will get those girls off my back."

"Deal. And I'll hold the rights to collect my debt, whenever I see fit."

"Hey! I didn't agree to that--"

"See you tonight at home, Babe...", his fucking sexy voice, claimed before hanging up.

I stood there, with the phone still in my hand, exhausted. Vic's smiley silence was as heavy as a whale.

"He owns you skinny ass...", she said. And I knew she was right.

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