Chapter 1

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Sapphire POV

"I'm so jealous of your eyes." Emily said to me while we were walking into school, I laughed lightly

"You say this every Morning and I give you the same reply each time, 'I ain't called Sapphire for no reason bitch'"

"Well I know but shut it, anyway apparently we have a new English teacher this year."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

"Yeah he's taking over Miss Spence."

"Good Shes a dick, Im not having my last year in school with her, stroppy mess."

Emily laughed and we made our way in to the toilets where Emily screamed, I can't deal with this on a morning.

"OMG SAPH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I LOOK SO SHIT." I glared at her shocked reflection in the mirror

"Maybe because you don't?" I faked a gasp and now she was the one returning the glares. But before she could speak I piped up again

"Plus why do you even care it's only school, look at me." I said while pointing to my hair which was in a messy bun and had I did have makeup on but not so heavy as school would just make you wipe it off anyway.

"YOU COULD BE BALD AND YOU'D STILL BE FLAWLESS." I smiled at her and gave her a cheeky wink

"I know." and smiled again

She laughed and the bell rung, its so loud it probably will make me death one day.

"Meet me in here at break?" I asked while looking at her

"Of course, we've been doing this since year 7 and you still ask me to."

"I just want to make sure okay ugh." and with that we both went our separate ways to form.


Sorry nothing interested in here! butI just don't like rushing into the whole story because I just feels like it ruins it! hope you enjoy this book it'll get better more into it hopefully!x

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