Chapter 7

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Sapphire POV

"You know you've practically been sat in silence for the past hour, if you want me to go then its fine." Trevor sighed reaching for his things.

"No Im sorry I just have a lot on my mind, I'm fine, please stay." I pouted and grabbed hold of his hand seeing him roll his eyes

"Fine." he laughed and came back on to my bed with me

I mean by the end of the 'date' it was lovely but I wanted it to be James not Trevor.

"I had a really good time by then end of the night." he smirked while standing outside my door making a slight smile stick on my face like glue.

"Yeah me too." before I knew it, he was kissing me and yeah it was nice but it wasnt powerful.

"Ill see you saph." he winked and turned around

"Yeah see you." I mumbled quietly to myself while going back inside. I ignored my mums presence and went straight to my room where I collapsed on my bed and heavily sighed.

That's was 3 months ago today and I still think of the same thoughts every night, me and Trevor became a official a couple nights after and my friendship with james became stronger and he did do what people would class as inappropriate but I loved his touch, he would rub my thighs, he would hold my hands, stroke my arms just basic things that caused fireworks to blow up in my body. The same thoughts floated in my head every night

'Why couldn't Trevor ask me out a month before James moved here?'

'Why can't James love me the prick' all these questions were swirled around my brain causing me to get barely any sleep anymore.

Today I decided I was too tired to make any effort for school and literally just brushed my teeth and got out the house.

When I was in school I felt and looked the living dead.

"What the fuck happened?" Emily spoke while staring at my appearance

"Nothing why?" I spat back, I just wasnt in the mood

"You look like shit."

"Thanks for the confident boost em! really appreciate it!" I sarcastically said while feeling myself get angry inside before she could speak I walked off into the toilets noticing how dreadful I did actually look.

I had 0 makeup on and my hair shoved up in a messy bun.

"Alright what the fuck is going on with you these days saph? Is it Trevor? is he hurting you? I swear to god if he is."

"No it's not Trevor." and before I could carry on I tears came falling out my eyes and Emily's face became suddenly sympathetic

"Then what? you can talk to me saph I'm your best friend."

"Alright, I'm in love with mr graham and Im only using Trevor to try get over go him but its not working, god I'm so stupid." I cried while banging the toilet door open.

"Wow." Emily was shocked and kind of sounded ashamed of me.

"That's low saph." I turned around with a disgust look on my face


"IM NOT THE ONE USING HIM TO GET IN A TEACHERS PANTS." I smacked her across the face and pelted out the toilets into the deserted corridors with tears down my face, I tried to run out of school but I felt an arm hold me back.

"Come inside love." James spoke sympathetically while walking me into an empty classroom, he gestured for me to take a seat and I did we sat in silence before he broke it.

"What's wrong darling please tell me, I've notice a change with you and I just want to make sure you're okay." he spoke while brushing the tears away from my face with his hands.

"Please don't." I whispered while taking his hand away from me ignoring the sparks that flew round my body.

He frowned and I tried to speak but I couldn't find any words

"Take your time." he quietly said making me feel more calm

"I-I can't say, I want to tell you but I'm scared of being so humiliated."

I teared up again

"Oh god look at the state of me." I tried to joke while wiping the tears away with my blazer sleeve

"You're beautiful Sapphire."

"James Im scared I'm in love with you." I blurted out while closing my eyes and gripping on to the chair not wanting to see his expression.

"That makes two of us saph." I opened my eyes and furrowed my brows


"Shh darling." he got out of his chair and walked over to me where our lips crashed together causing a Fucking avalanche of happiness and sparks to explode inside every piece of my body.

I got off my seat and kissed him again but this time wrapping my hands around his neck and putting my legs around his waist causing him to rub along the back of my thighs before holding my butt.

"I have a class in 5 minutes." he panted before letting go of me

"Well then ill see you tonight mr graham." I winked and walked out of his classroom

'I just made out with my English teacher' isn't what you say to yourself everyday.

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