Chapter 19

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Sapphire PoV

After A LOT of making up to do James kept asking if I was okay every so often and if I felt sick because of the drugs and its was only weed so I kept repeating my words of "calm down I'm fine" or "its weed chill" he was watching me like a hawk and it was cute he was being protective but it got a little bit frustrating after about 10 hours.

"James seriously I'm fine just calm down if I feel the tiniest bit ill I'll tell you I'm not a child." I snapped watching him put his hands up in defence

"Empty your bag." I cursed for a second because I knew how much shit was in there that shouldn't be there, im going to be getting my second massive lecture after this one yay!

I threw my bag upside down and everything came falling out and by everything I mean, drugs and alcohol and about 3 school books. After a moment of seeing his reaction I cursed myself again because I saw the anti depressants pills lying innocent on the ground I quickly went to grab them but James did it before me

"Please don't tell me you're on these because of me." My eyes widened for a minute

"No no no! I've been on them for years give them back James please." he slowly handed me the box before letting me into a massive bear hug

"I love you." he spoke so softly it made mean hold him tighter

"I love you too." before I knew it we were smacking our lips onto one another and James harshly threw me onto the wall but not harsh enough for it to be painful, my legs curled around his waist and we carried on passionately kissing until there was a knock at the door and the words that made me panic instantly

"Babe it's me Em I know you're in here, you need to hide now the police are after you both."



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