THREE | Brother

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Eight missed calls, five unread texts, and three awkward eye contacts in the halls. This sums up my week so far. Through the grapevine, I've learned that Johnny fears me. Atleast, that's what the Greasers have been telling me. My heart pounds through my chest and for a split moment, I actually believe Johnny will show up to our tutoring session.
Twenty minutes pass, and I end up giving up on the idea that Johnny will show up. I groan, slouching back on the couch and rubbing my temple as my eyes dart shut. I hear someone sneak around the corner, and when I open my eyes, there Sodapop stands, a slice of chocolate cake in his hand. His brows are furrowed, and his stance is somewhat slouched. His hair is messed up, and his sleeves are rolled. He looks as much as a wreck as I do. "Go away Soda." I groan. Soda scoffs. "Someones being a grouch this evening. I thought that was Johnny's job." Soda remarks, looking to where Johnny would have sat. He then wears a confused expression on his face. "Hey . . . Where is Johnny?" He asks. "Hasn't showed up." I respond, frowning. "Has been ignoring me for days, actually." Soda furrows his brows and slides onto the couch next to me and snaking his arm around my shoulder. He looks down at me with a fond stare. "I'm sure he'll come around, yeah?" "Eh . . . I'm not so sure." "What makes you say that?" He questions, tilting his head as he leans in closer. I am almost being suffocated by his grasp. So much so, that the suffocation forces the truth out of me. "He told me to leave him alone." I say. "No, he demanded. He never want's to talk to me again." I add, my cheeks going red in shame. "Well, you know how Soc's ar—" Soda begins. "Well I thought he was different!" I bark back. I'm so frustrated with all these labels and seperation. I shouldn't have to fear for my life because I am lower class.
And neither should Johnny. For just being my friend.
"You care for Johnny, don't ya'?" Soda asks, though he knows the answer. "Yes." I respond. "But I don't understand why." Soda looks at me as if I'm crazy so I elaborate. "Well, see — I just met him. Why do I care for someone so dearly that I only just met?" Soda sighs. "Oh, Ponyboy." He frowns. What am I not getting? "Sometimes people chime in at the best times." Soda says. "And sometimes you meet someone and you just click instantly. Like you've known that person forever." "How do you know?" "How do I know? Hell, me and Dally have been friends forever! And we clicked instantly. Johnny is a good kid, Ponyboy, and If you want his company, you'll get it." I lean on Soda's shoulder. "Thanks, Soda." "You're too kind for this world, Pony." Soda remarks. And we sit there for a long while, swimming in comfortable silence. I fall asleep in my big brothers arms.
A/N) before anyone comments on it for whatever reason NO SODA AND PONYBOY DONT HAVE A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP THEY ARE STRICTLY PLATONIC THEY R BROTHERS DONT BE WEIRD 😭 also sorry kind of short chapter 😶

Words: 552

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