SIXTEEN | Thank You For Letting Me Love

370 14 13

Johnny Cade

Divertissement , Noun
Someone or something that provides amusement or enjoyment.



The lights peppered down the Carnival dock are booming, you can hear the faint noises of beauty in the air. I watch the ferris wheel spin in slow loops in the sky while I hold my hand on tightly to Ponyboy's. Ponyboy is wearing sunglasses, a tight black t-shirt, and cuffed jeans. His hair is slicked back, but it's not greased. I wear a similar outfit to Ponyboy except my hair is not slicked back, nor is it greased. Instead, it is kept a fluffied mop. Ponyboy really likes when my hair is like this, so he keeps touching it. "Stop." I groan as he runs his fingers through my hair for the tenth time today. He groans back. "Fine," he mocks — I roll my eyes at his attitude.

"You keep eyeballing that wheel," Ponyboy comments, now looking at it too. "do you wanna ride it?" I pause, thinking about it. "Kind of." I reply. "Kind of?" Ponyboy asks, waiting for a reasoning behind my answer. "Well, it's a bit high up . . ." I note, looking at the very top of the wheel. It looks to be one with the clouds, but I know that when I say that I am just exaggerating. It is nowhere as tall as it would have to be to graze the clouds.
"Well, if you're not ready, we don't have to." Ponyboy reassures, looking at me with a smile. "No! I want to!" I assure. "Just, what if we do it later? Do something else first?" "That sounds great to me." Ponyboy says, walking away, I follow him with my hand still laced with his.


Ponyboy Curtis


"Hey, look, Ponyboy! Johnny!" I hear Soda shout past the crowd, I look to my right and, past Johnny, I see Soda and Darry unloading from a roller coaster and running towards Johnny and I. "Man, that roller coaster was fun!" Soda commented, looking Darry's way. Darry only nods in agreement. "You guys have ought to ride this!" Darry says, pointing behind us to the ride. I look at Johnny frantically, my teeth gritting. Johnny looks at me back with the same look. "Wanna do it?" I mouth. Johnny nods quickly and smiles. "Alright, we'll do it!" I claim. Soda cheers. "Great! We'll come with! I've been wanting to re-ride it anyways." Soda says, wrapping his arm around Darry's shoulder playfully. "You'll go, I'm staying right here." Darry scoffs, unraveling Sodapop's arm from his shoulder. "Fine then!" Soda scoffs sarcastically. "Ponyboy, Johnny, let's do this thing!" Soda shouts, hopping as he runs up the stairs to where the waiting line is.

The wait was rather short, maybe three minutes, because most people stuck towards the more exciting, scary rides. Don't get me wrong, this ride was scary, but not nearly as scary as the others in the carnival. Me, Johnny, and Soda load up into the carts. Soda sits next to this woman who he keeps trying to charm, and me and Johnny sit right behind the two. We giggle at his awful attempts. We feel the carts start to move and we know its time, so we hold onto one anothers hands and prepare ourselves for the ride, the screaming, the joy, the fear, and everything inbetween.
Like a near death experience, once the carts zoom down the hill, we all gasp and flail our arms into the air as we scream in excitement. Johnny's hair is sticking up and down in every direction and it's making me laugh so much that my stomach hurts. "Shut up!" Johnny yells inbetween the non stop screaming, which for some reason makes me laugh more. Johnny's face is beet red.
The ride slows down as it loops back to the loading dock. Our seatbelts unfasten and we all slide out of the carts. Some people are even shaking from how mind bending that ride was. We walk up to Soda. "So how did things go with you and the woman?" Johnny jokes. "I do not want to talk about it, Johnny. Not feelin' too hot after that one." Soda grumbles. Johnny and I laugh — Soda is a big flirt, but he isn't a good one. You can't help but laugh at his foolish acts of trying to catch a girl's attention. As the woman slides out of her cart and starts walking away, she looks offended when she makes eye contact with Soda. "Susan, sweets —" "Stay away from me!" She shouts, now stomping away quickly. "Susan?" Johnny laughs. "That sounds like the name of a suburban mom!" Soda goes silent and has a look of guilt. "Soda . . ." Me and Johnny say in unison. "Please don't tell me . ." I say. Soda stays silent, confirming my suspicions. I gag. "Soda, gross! Control yourself!" "Look man I didn't know she was forty —" "FORTY?" Johnny gasps.
My older brother is a weird guy.

Me and Johnny load onto the ferris wheel, hand in hand. Johnny's free hand is grasped onto a slushy, mine is holding onto Johnny's phone and wallet. I've been carrying his stuff ever since he got that damn drink!
The cart Johnny and I sit in starts to elevate us high in the air. Johnny looks a bit nervous, yet, he looks fascinated by the view of Vegas we had. It was night now, and the stars were highlighting the structures of the city beautifully. "Thank you for loving me." Johnny says out of the blue, looking deep into the horizon with a smile. His eyes are lit up like a painting, and I'm falling so deeply into them. "Thank you for letting me love you." I reply, grabbing his hands and kissing them both. The cart stops at the top of the wheel. Johnny looks lovingly into my face, then down at my lips. He presses his lips against mine and I melt in to the touch. I put one of my hands on his cheek and the other on his waist, he wraps his arms around the back of my neck and like a photograph, we stay like this for a long while.

We end our night like this, in love, hand in hand, watching the city begin to fall asleep.

Words: 1069



Also look at meee, posting early 🤭

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