FOURTEEN | Laughing Fits And Exciting Bits

434 13 8

Ponyboy Curtis

As I walk down the school hallways, hand in hand with Johnny, I feel powerful and unbothered — like a Gladiator. People stare, and people talk, but they dont bother me, nor do they bother Johnny. I think I kind of appreciate the spotlight . . Never once have I had the light like I do right now. Well, maybe at track, but that is just different than what this is.
We exit the school and start trekking home. We walk in peaceful silence as the sounds of our classmates fade away into nothingness. Even the sky is quiet, and the birds that graze it. Everything is just all too perfect.

"So, who's house?" I ask, as I always do, even though I know the answer: "Yours." Johnny says, looking up at me with a smile. I nod at him and smile back, pressing a kiss to his cheek. I watch his nose scrunch and his eyes squint, chuckling at the sight. Johnny is just much too lovable.

Me and Johnny burst into the house in a fit of giggles, bumping into one another as we cackle. Everyone in the house goes silent. "What are you two so happy about?" Soda teases, lifting his eyebrows. "N — N — Nothing!" I say through my laughter, my struggles only make Johnny laugh more, which inevitably makes me laugh, too. Soda starts to chuckle. "Okay, okay, you two." Darry says, walking into the living room shaking his head. "Me and Soda wanted to talk to you both." Darry said sternly. "Are we in trouble, Pony?" Johnny mocked into my ear smiling, then laughing with his arm linked around mine. "You guy's aren't in trouble." Darry reassured, thinking that being in trouble was actually a concern of Johnny's — it surely wasn't one of mine, either. I'm in too much of a good mood to care about anything. "Sit down, will you?" Soda asks, pointing to the couch as he and Darry sit down on the arm chairs. Me and Johnny sit on the couch and stop laughing . . I have a feeling this may be serious. "Me and Darry have been saving up," Soda begins. "And we have saved up enough money to go to . ." Darry continues, he pauses for a minute then looks at Soda. Darry mouths "Three, two, one . . ." Then Soda and Darry both say in unison: "VEGAS!" I gasp, but Johnny seems a bit upset. "For a week!" Soda adds, this makes Johnny even more upset. "But, Johnny," Darry says, speaking a bit more quiter to hopefully soothe Johnny's clear emotions about this: upset. "We wanted you to come with us." I gasp once more, and so does Johnny. His whole face lights up. "Can I?!" He squeals. "As long as it's okay with your parents." Darry says strictly. "I'll go call them right now!" Johnny announced as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and slid into the other room. We sit in silence, listening in on his phone call. Through the wall, we can hear a muffled version of his phone call. " . . Yes . . . Completely paid for . . . Ponyboy . ." But the last thing he says is clear for certain. "Thank you so much!" He squeals, shortly after running back into the living room. "My Mom said yes!" He announces in excitement. I jump up and embrace Johnny in the tightest hug I've ever given this boy, his feet lift from the air and I twirl him around a bit in a fit of laughter. Johnny squeals as I pick him up off his feet and smash my lips against his. "We're in here still, y'know." Darry says sternly, and I drop Johnny immediately. Darry is quite intimidating. We walk back to the couch and sit down. "So, when are we leaving?" Johnny asks Darry, a tilt to his head. "Next week, ditching school for it." Darry confirms. "But you guys better stay caught up in school." Darry says firmly, pointing at me with his brows furrowed. I nod quickly. "Yes! I will!" I say excitedly.

This is going to be the longest week of my life.

Words: 706

A/N this chapter makes me want to vomit because of how unbelievably awful it is. Also sorry for the mini chapter.

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