I'm so sorry guys. Seriously, I know how annoying it is when I have to wait a long time for an update. So yeah. I just wanted to apologize :(
Keep Readin!
*Louis' POV*
Today is the day Mrs. Payne comes home from helping her friend have a baby. I'm really excited, she was so nice when I first met her. Liam even tells me that she was hoping me and Rachel would get together.
However, I can't help but feel nervous.
So much has happened since she left, and it's all a lot to explain. What if these events cause Mrs. Payne not to like me? Or, despite what Liam claims, she doesn't approve of me and Rachel being together? That would crush both of us, and what would it mean for our relationship? I'm sure Rachel would do what her mum thinks is best. After, she is her mum.
There is so much to tell her, and my mind races just thinking of where to start. For Christ's sake, she doesn't even know that Zack's back in town! I try to mentally list everything that has happened since Mrs. Payne left.
Rachel fainted and had to go to the hospital, and then Rachel and I got together. However, that fling only lasted about two days. Meanwhile, Miley and Niall got together (which probably isn't as important to Mrs. Payne), and Rachel and I broke up for the first time. Then, Zack came back into town.
Rachel's terrible, cheating prick of an ex, who never deserved her anyway. Who cheats just hours after getting back with someone? He's pretty disgusting, if you ask me.
Soon after Zack came back, he and Rachel decided to get back together, which honestly broke my heart more than I thought anything ever could. I still don't know what made Rachel make that decision. Maybe Zack manipulated her, or maybe she was trying to get over me and move on. It makes me sick to think that she may have thought he could actually make her happy. He doesn't deserve her. He never did.
Shortly after Rachel and Zack got together, Rachel found out Zack was cheating her again. It was the scummiest thing I'd ever heard of, him making out with some other girl in his room while Rachel, sweet, adorable, beautiful Rachel, planned on surprising him with that kind heart of hers. The thought makes my blood boil.
However, I suppose that Rachel and Zack's whole ordeal is somewhat of a blessing in disguise for me. No, not because Rachel got her heart broken, or because she came back to me but because I think it taught Rach what she truly deserves out of a relationship.
And if she thinks I can give her what she deserves, then dammit I'm going to try my hardest. When Rachel and I got back together, I felt so much happiness in my heart. I know we're definitely still in the honeymoon phase here, but sometimes I just imagine what it would be like to wake up beside her everyday, or to see her making breakfast for our kids. Sometimes, I imagine a real future with this girl, and I've never done that before. I've never cared for someone (other than my family) so much that I'd do anything to protect them. Maybe that's why I behaved the way I did with Zack.
His blatant disrespect towards not only Rachel, but women in general, was just too much for me to handle. Plus, the moment he played his hands on me, I could no longer control myself. It had been hard enough watching Rachel date this boy when he clearly wasn't good enough for her, but seeing him disrespect her so blatantly and just not care, well it honestly just pissed me off.
I'm really worried about Mrs. Payne's reaction to me beating Zack up. Will she think of me as a violent person who shouldn't be allowed around her daughter, or will she be proud of me for standing up to him? I hope it's the latter.
There is so much information to tell Rachel and Liam's mum, and none of it Is easy. I just hope all goes well. Lord knows this group can't handle anymore conflict this summer.
*Liam's POV*
I am so happy that Mum's finally coming home today! I can't wait to tell her everything that has happened, she'll be overjoyed when she finds out that Rachel and Louis are together. Smiling, my mind flashes back to the very same day she left, when she pulled me aside.
"Liam, I need to talk to you alone for a moment." Mum said.
"Um, okay."
She took me into the kitchen, and we sat down on two bar stools beside each other.
"What is it, Mom?" I questioned her.
"Honey, can you do me a huge favor?" She asked, hope shining in her wrinkled, brown eyes.
"Sure Mum, anything!" I replied cheerfully.
"Good. I need you to make sure that Rachel and Louis are dating by the time I get back from helping Darlene have her baby."
"What?" I asked, shocked. "How'd you know they have chemistry?"
At this, mum rolled her eyes. "Liam, I'm not stupid. Louis and Rachel always get that special sparkle in their eyes when they're around each other. They've had an obvious connection since they first met, and you can always feel it around them. Rachel seems happier than she's been in a long time since she first met Louis. If they ever started dating, She'd- I know she'd be overjoyed." Mum finishes. It was clear to me that she just wanted to see her only daughter in a happy, healthy relationship with someone who truly cared for her.
I hug her tightly. "Don't worry, Mum, Rachel and Louis will be together by time you get back. I'll make sure of it." I assure her.
I smile, imagining mum's face when she hears the great news. She'll love Louis, I just know she will. And Niall, too. Let's not forget that he and Miley are together.
The thought triggers an amazing idea to pop into my brain.
I jump out of bed and sprint downstairs find everyone in the living room, watching TV.
I HAVE A BRILLIAM IDEA!" I shout in their faces.
"Well, good morning to you, too Li." Rachel states from her spot next to Louis on the loveseat.
"I HAVE AN IDEA!" I scream again.
"Whoa, calm down mate, you're starting to sound like Lou." Zayn says, chuckling.
Well, this comment causes Louis' sass switch to turn on, because he gets all up in my face.
"Hell nah, bro! There is ONE "Sass Master from Doncaster", and ONE "Sass Master from Wolverhampton", but there are NOT two Sass Masters from Wolverhampton. I am the King, and Miss Payne here is my queen. Catch my drift?" He snap his fingers in a Z formation at the end causing us all to laugh.
"What do you mean, 'there's already a Sass Master from Wolverhampton?'" I ask him.
"Long story, we'll tell you later." Rachel says with a mischievous smile. Oh, well.
"Anyways, Miley have you told your mum that you and Niall are together yet?"
Her and Niall look at each other uneasily. "Well...."
"Perfect!" I interrupt, ruining their lame excuse for why the haven't told her yet. "Because I know just how we're going to do that!"
They all gather aroung me to hear my plan.
P.S. Ross Lynch to the side ----->

My Brother the Popstar
FanfictionRachel Payne always told her brother, Liam, to go out there and follow his dreams. She just didn't think he'd leave her behind in the process. When Liam comes back home with his new bandmates after 6 Months to stay the summer with his family, Rach...