Chapter 12: The Approval

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A/N: Hello dere! *does irish jig with Niall*

Boy, we're finally getting to the good stuff, am I right? Of course I am, I'm the author! I just wanted to let you guys know that if you ever spot a grammar mistake, please let me know, my chapters are always under editing.

TANKS! and remember, KEEP READIN! <3


*Rachel's POV*

Miley and I are currently sitting on my plush turqoise rug in the middle of my (Ahem, excuse me, mine and Liam's) room. We're here because I promised Miley I would tell her what happened in the kitchen.

So, after about six reruns of Celebrity Juice, Miley dragged me upstairs so that we could have a 'talk.'

"Honey you have got to tell me what is going on between you and super man!" She says like a posh designer, giggling.

"What about you?" I retort, letting a laugh slip out as well. "You're the one who's got a certain little leprechaun wrapped around her finger!"

Miley blushes. "Do you really think so?"

I gape at her. "Is it not obvious?!" I shout. Miley quickly shushes me. There are voices coming from the other side of the wall, which just happens to be where Louis is staying.

Miley and I share a look. We know what we need to do.  Going commando (Army commando, c'mon you guys!) We do ninja rolls down the hall to Louis' room, surprisingly not making any noise.

We stop at Louis' door, exchanging a look. We nod to one another before burting in, shouting "HELLO!" As we enter. Four surprised boys fall from where they were listening in on our conversation through the wall. Miley goes to stand over Niall.

"Were you evesdropping on us?" She asks him, fake shock in her voice. Niall grins sheepishly at her, then replies "Err, maybe...."

I hold out my hand to Lou, who gratefully takes it, beaming. Then I shout,

"Okay that's it! Niall, no Nando's for a week, Zayn no lucky comb for a week, Harry, no flirting for a week, and Lou, no carrots for a week!"

"WHAT?!" They shout in unison. Niall gets on his knees, going on about how he 'can't live with out Nando's!' Louis is fake pouting,

"Fine. There are no pretty girls in this stupid town, anyways." Harry mumbles, shuffling his feet. I give the Chesire boy a 'look', and he shuts up pretty quickly.

Zayn, however, doesn't seem to care. I give him a "da fuq?" face.

He grins and whispers to me, " Love, I have about 5 lucky combs."

Shit. He beat me, the clever bugger.

"Alright," Miley exclaims suddenly.  "Everybody out! Lets give these two some privacy." She announces that last part loud enough for everyone but Louis, who is on the other side of the room, to hear. Niall, Zayn, and Harry chuckle, and Miley winks at me. I roll my eyes at her playfully. The lot exit the room, leaving me alone with Louis.

"So, um, how much did you hear? Of our conversation, I mean." I ask.

"Not much." Louis replies, staring down at his Toms.

Holy flying poo, what if he heard what Miley said? What if he doesn't like me that way back?

Oh, no. I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks. My head is pounding and it really hurts. All of a sudden, I'm having trouble breathing. An all too familiar feeling came into my head.

"Rachel, are you okay? RACHEL?!"

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

*Louis' POV*

Oh my fucking god! Rachel's hyperventalating! This is all my fault! I never should have listened in on her conversation. 

"Rachel, are you okay?" I ask. That's when she falls to the floor.

"Rachel!" I scream, catching her just in time before she hits the floor.  Her body is so pale and limp.

"Oh my god," I whisper. Then I shout. "Liam! LIAM!"

Liam bursts in, seeing me with Rachel. "Call 911!" He tells Miley, Niall, Harry, and Zayn, who have appeared at the door frame.

I pick Rachel up bridal style in my arms and carry her downnstairs, the others hot on my heels. We walk into the living room, and I lay Rachel down on the sofa just as paramedics walked through the door.

They rush over to us, and one lifts her onto a stretcher. I follow them all the way to the ambulance, another perimedic stops me. By now the guys and Miley have caught up with me, and the perimedic says, "Only two of you are allowed in the ambulance."

"I'll go." Me and Liam say at the same time. Before Liam can protest, I hop inside the ambulance beside Rachel. Liam tells the guys and Miley that we'll meet them there, and hops in with me.

*Liam's POV*

The ride to the hospital is silent. I can't help but look over at Louis, who has his head in his hands. I know he thinks its his fault, but it isn't.

"It's not your  fault."  I say.

"But- but it is!" He sobs. Wow, he's actually crying. The boy must really like Rachel.

"Liam, I'm so sorry! I made her have that panic attack! I shouldn't have been evesdropping!"

"Wait, evesdropping?" I say. Well, this is all news to me. Nobody tells me anything around here.

"Y-Yeah, Louis says, "The girls were gossiping in Rachel's room, which is wall-to-wall with mine." He continues. "We thought we might be able to hear them, and we did. We heard more than we probably should have, and then the girls caught us. Rachel asked me how much I'd heard, and when I told her, she panicked and fainted. I'm s-so s-SORRY!" He cried, finishing.

I just sat there, looking at my trainers. Then, all of a sudden, I blurted out. "You like her."

"W-what?" Louis asked.

"Rachel," I say simply. "You really do care about her, don't you?

Louis sighs, then nods and blurts out,


"Come again?" I say, chuckling slightly.

"I said, I'm so sorry. I know you banned me from dating her, but I would never hurt her."

I gaped at the Doncaster boy. He really does like her. I think I might just be okay with this relationship.

"Okay." I announced. "You can date her. It seems like you care a lot about her, anyways."

"YES!" Louis celebrates, bro hugging me.

"There's just one thing, though." I say.

"Ha ha, One Thing," Louis chuckles. I roll my eyes. Grow up.

"Lou, you actually have to ask her out first."



Yay for:




Hahaha just kidding!


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