A/N: Ta da! I'm updating again! Remember to follow/vote/comment!
Keep Reading!
*Rachel's POV*
Liam and I walk into the Café, both of us breathing in its comforting scent of coffee and chocolate.
"Wow." Liam and I say in unison. The Café has changed a lot. The walls, which used to be red, are now a relaxing cream color. The intricate dining chairs and tables that used to be here have been replaced with simple black ones.
Liam and I walk up to the cashier, order our usuals, and then ask to see Tom, the owner.
A few minutes later, Tom comes out, our orders in his hands.
"Here are your orders. My cashier said that you wanted to see me?" We hear Tom's voice say, a hint of confusion in his voice. Up until this point, Liam and I have been hiding behind our menus, giggling to each other.
"On three," Liam whispers, silently laughing so much he's crying. "Okay." I say.
"Three!" Liam and I shout loudly, putting our menus down at the same time. Tom's face changes from completely annoyed to pure joy when he recognises us.
"You two!" Tom's deep voice booms. He gathers up both of us into a hug. "Oh, I've missed you!"
"We've missed you, too, Tom!" I laugh as he pulls away. I haven't seen the older man in a long time.
"I should have known it was you guys when you ordered your regular and asked to see me!" He states, grinning happily. "So, what do you think of the makeover?"
"I love it!" I say excitedly. "It looks really modern!"
"Yeah!" Liam agrees.
"What have you been up to, Rachel? Now, I know all about Liam. He's such a hot-shot now. Being in a famous band and almost winning that TV show? You must think you're something." Tom jokes.
I laugh. "I haven't been up to much, I'm just waiting for the new school year to start. I'm really looking forward to finding out what university I'm attending. Meanwhile, though, Liam and his bandmates are staying with us for the summer. They're all extremely funny, and nice, too!" I tell him, thinking of Louis.
"Well, that's great! I bet you're having a time, trying to keep all those hormonal teenage boys in line." Tom replies. He is such a joker, I've really missed talking to him.
"Sorry, kids, I have to get back to the kitchen." He says sadly, checking his watch. I pout playfully, and he laughs. Giving
*Liam's POV*
Okay, it's time to talk to her. We have a lot of catching up to do. I don't know where to begin. I clear my throat and take a sip of my De-Caf Caramel Macchiato.
Rachel speaks up before I can even say my bit.
"So, um, Liam, I was wondering about something. While you were gone, I emailed many, many times. Yet you never sent me one back. Why is that?" The brunette questions.
I sigh in frustration. I was hoping she wouldn't mention this. I don't want things to be any more complicated in my family than they already were. I guess the best thing to do would probably be to tell my sister the truth.
"Well, I did get your emails, and I wanted to write back so much, but when I tried to, management wouldn't let me. They were afraid of someone hacking into my email account and the information getting out. I'm so sorry, Rachel, I really did try."
I feel horribly guilty as I say all of this. Rachel's staring into her cup when I look up.
*Rachel's POV*
"Well, um, I did get your emails, and I wanted to write back so much, but when I tried to, management wouldn't let me, because of someone hacking into my email account and the information getting out. I'm sorry, Rach, I really tried."
I smell bullshit. If he could text mom, then why couldn't send me a simple email, or maybe even text me?
"Why could you text mom, then?" I ask.
"Management figured nobody could hack into my phone unless they had it with them." Liam replies simply.
"You could have texted me, though!" I exclaim, angry.
Liam looks a little shocked, then says, calmly, "I had to change my phone number 6 times because of leaks, and I didn't give you my new number. I'm sorry."
I groan inwardly. Bloody hell, Mum was right! He has a perfectly good reason for not contacting me.Now I feel like a complete and utter bitch!
"Rachel, you're not a bitch." I hear Liam say, as though he could read my mind. "You just didn't know. It's my fault, too."
Liam and I had always been a little bit more like twins rather than siblings who were a year apart. We could read each other's minds, speak to each other without talking, and sometimes we even had the same dreams. This brings me to my next question for Liam...
"Thanks." I mutter, referring to the jack ass comment. "By the way, did you have a strange dream last night?"
Liam looks uncomfortable, and then he says, "I was just about to ask you the same question! What was yours about?"
I sigh. For some reason, I'm relieved that Liam had the dream, too.
"Well," I say, not wanting to make things awkward with him and the band or anything, "We, um, were both on clouds, just laughing, talking, and playing together, like we did when we were little. Then your cloud started to drift away, and you told me you'd be back soon, then..."
My voice drifts away because I don't want to tell him the last part, but he finishes it for me. "Then the guys dragged me into the fog."
He finishes. "Yeah, I think we had the same dream again, Rachel." I chuckle lightly, because this happened all the time before he left. I wonder if we had the same dreams while he was away.
Oh, well. I guess we shall never know. Liam's face is solemn, and he hugs me. It's weird how Liam always knows when I need a hug.
"I love you, sis." He whispers in my ear, and I can feel tears rolling down my cheeks.
Liam really hasn't changed.
And Cue awwes just like they do in cute parts of TV shows!
So cute ^.^

My Brother the Popstar
FanfictionRachel Payne always told her brother, Liam, to go out there and follow his dreams. She just didn't think he'd leave her behind in the process. When Liam comes back home with his new bandmates after 6 Months to stay the summer with his family, Rach...