Chapter 26: Telling it How it is

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*Liam's POV*

"Mum! I'm so glad you're home!" I say happily as Rachel and I hug her.

"Wow! Mrs. Payne, you look so tired! I'm sure you must be after all that traveling. Can I get your coat for you?" Louis asks her.

My eyes can't help but roll at this comment. Sure, I love my friend and fellow bandmate, but you've got to admit that this whole 'boyfriend' thing is a bit annoying. I mean, I'm not supposed to like my sister's boyfriends, anyway, right? So if a little part of me is sometimes annoyed with Louis, there's nothing wrong with that. 

I'm especially allowed to get annoyed with him kissing up to Mum. I mean really? It's just gross, watching him act like this perfect gentleman just to get her to like him. She already likes him enough, which is funny to me. Someone should tell the Doncaster boy that he does have to try so hard. 

Mum looks surprised, but pleased. "That's very kind of you, Louis." She hands him the thin jacket she had been wearing. It's a little more breezy in Brighton, where mum's friend Melanie lives. Even though it's summer, she still needed a jumper for the trip. 

"It's so nice to see you all." Mum nods to each of the boys. Then, curtly and rather abruptly, the stout woman turns to me.  "Liam, can I steal you away for moment?" She asks. My heart drops. Have I done something? I'm trying to figure out want Mum may want to talk to me about, and what she might be upset at me for. I can't imagine what I've done to piss anyone off recently. 

"What is it mum?" I ask her as soon as we enter the kitchen. "Is everything okay?"

She waves her hand about, her mood changing from serious to lighthearted in a second. "Of course, of course!" Mum leans in, smiling at me. "So, are they together?" 

I pause. "I- what?"

"Rachel and Louis! Are they together? Oh, Liam, I know you weren't too keen on the idea, but I'm telling you, those two have chemistry! They were meant to be!"

I find my eyes rolling once more. She really needs to calm down, she's way too invested in this.  So, in the spirit of good fun, I decide not to tell her. She'll find out eventually, anyways.

I smile mischievously at my mum. "Well, you'll just have to see, won't you?" I tell her before turning and exiting the kitchen.

"Wait! Liam, what's that supposed to mean? Liam! I'm going to take that as a yes!" She calls after me. I roll my eyes, smile, and head back to living room, where everyone is now gathered.

*Rachel's POV*

Liam walks into the living room, a smile on his face. He sits down next to Zayn on our L-Shaped couch. I get up from my seat next to Louis and walk over to him.

"What was that about? What did you tell her?" I whisper frantically.

Liam smiles. "You'll see." He says mysteriously.

I shrug, walking back over to Lou and sitting down between him and Miley on the four-person couch. He pretends to yawn and put his arm around my shoulder like they do in TV shows. I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"Hi." He says simply, smiling at me cheekily.

"You're so corny, you should be a farmer."

He chuckles.

Just then, mum walks in. "Hey kids!" Ms. Mitchell clears her throat.

Mum looks her way. "Oh, and Michelle."

Ms. Mitchell nods.

"So, watcha doing?" Mom continues.

"Just chilling." Zayn replies casually.

"Cool." Mom says, plopping down on our leather couch.

"Listen, mum, Louis and I have to tell you something." I say, cutting to the chase.

"What is it, honey?"

"Well..." I start.

Louis and I tell her everything, from us getting together to breaking up to getting back together again. One of us chiming in when the other forgot a detail.

"So, that's why...Rachel and I are together now." Lou finishes. Boy, does he look nervous.

"Well, that's just..." Mum pauses for dramatic affect.

"FANTASTIC!" Mum screams. "Aww,  I knew it! I told Liam to get you guys together before I came back!" She high-fives him.

Lou lets out a breath. "Thank the lord." I hear him whisper to himself. I giggle at him.

"Wait!" I pause. "You were TRYING to get me and Louis together this whole time??"

Liam gives me a 'look'. "Not particularly, no. I actually wasn't all that fond of my little sister dating one of my best friends and bandmates. But she-" He points to mum. "Well, she could feel what was going on between you two. She wanted you together."

Mum nods. "Yeah, pretty much everyone but you two knew you were in love."

I look at Louis. He smiles back at me adoringly, his eyes full of love.

"Yeah, we got that already!" I say, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Mum's attention flickers from us over to Miley and Niall who are cuddled up on the sofa staring adoringly into each other's eyes.


What was that, you ask?

That was me taking a mental picture of the adorable couple!

"So...what's going on here?" Mum walks over to Miley and Niall, quirking an eyebrow at them.

"They're dating!" Ms. Mitchell blurts out all of a sudden.

"Really?!" Mum turns around, facing her. "Oh, Michelle! Isn't this great? They can go on double dates together!" Mum gushes.

"I KNOW!" Ms. Mitchell agrees. "They can wear matching outfits, oh, and are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

They look at each for a moment before simultaneously chiming, "DOUBLE WEDDINGS!"

"MUM!" Miley and I yell at the same time. "We're way too young for that!" I tell my mum, while Miley says similar things to hers. We're both as red as tomatoes, judging by the way that everyone is chuckling at us.

Louis wraps an arm around me. "I don't can't tell the future." He whispers in my ear.

I slap him in the arm and roll my eyes.

The thing is, I don't know if he was joking or not.


A/N: Vas Happenin?


We still have four more chapters to go.


And on that note, I'll see you soon my goldfish-froggies!


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