A/N: This is the last chapter for tonight, but I'll definitely post some more tomorrow morning. Follow/vote/comment if you like, & feel free to message me & tell me your thoughts. I love to hear what you have to say!
P. S. Liam Hemsworth tho ^
Edited: wth Mari are you stupid that's Logan Lerman *facepalms*
*Rachel's POV*
We stand and hug each other for a few moments. After a minute or two, though, all I can really feel around me is one strong pair of arms. Then, I feel four pairs of eyes on me, and someone coughs.
I look up to see that only Louis and I are still hugging, and pull away, blushing. Louis' cheeks actually turn a light shade of pink as well, which surprises me. Why would he be embarrassed? I'm the one who kept hugging him and didn't back off.
"Um, yeah, let's go inside and start the movie." Liam says, eyeing me and Louis suspiciously. Keeping my eyes down, I walk past the boys. We all go inside and sit down in the living room to start the movie.
I continue to avoid eye contact with Liam and Louis as we head inside. However, I can still feel both of their eyes on me.
Niall puts the movie in the DVD player, and it starts playing.
The boys are watching while I pretend to. I'm really texting Miley, though. Feeling a gaze on me, my eyes glance up to meet Harry's. I realise that he has been staring at me for the past couple of minutes now.
He smiles, and I grin back, then return to texting Miley.
To: Miles X
You won't believe what just happened to me!
A few minutes later, I get a reply from my friend.
From: Miles X
Does it have to do with someone from 1D? STAY OFF OF NIALL THO HE"S MINE
I grin. Oh, Miley.
To: Miles X
Relax, you can have your little Blondie. This has to do with a certain carrot loving boy...
My texting gets interrupted when I hear a deep voice ask, "Mind if I sit here, love?"
I look up to find Harry towering over me. I pause for a moment, assessing the situation. He's very attractive. Even though he looks like he needs a haircut, the whole long, curly, hair thing is a good look for him. He isn't flirting, I decided. just being friendly. After all, we are going to be spending an entire summer together!
"Not at all." I smile up at him, and move over on the brown leather loveseat I was sat on.
"Thanks." He grins back and sits down. I feel his arm slither around my shoulder as soon as he plops down. Friendliness, I tell myself. He's just being friendly.
I get a text from Miley a second later.
From: Miles X
I can see it now! What about Louchel as your ship name?
Oh, that's right. Harry had distracted me from the idea of Louis for a moment. Anyways, I roll my eyes at that one. Louchel? Really? That sounds like a kind of vomit.
Or disease.
Probably a kind of disease.
To: Miles X
Really, Louchel? I expected better from you! Besides we'll probably never be together.
I frown at the thought, but it's probably true. Besides the fact that Louis is an international popstar, he's also Liam's best friend. I could never never date him with out my older brother's approval. He'd never give it to us, anyway.
From: Miles X
Oh, you'll see.
That one, I decide not to respond to.
*Liam's POV*
I look from Harry to Rachel. Did they just smile at each other? I know I've just come home and all, but really don't want Rachel to develop a crush on any of the boys. Somehow, I just know it'll happen, though.
Besides, Harry's a player, and switches girls every couple of weeks! I couldn't stand to see Rachel cry if one of them broke her heart. What about Louis? Everyone saw them keep hugging after the group hug was already over.
Did Harry just go over and sit next to her?
Side he just put his arm around her?!
*Overprotective Brother Mode in Overdrive*
*Louis' POV*
To say that I feel embarrassed after what happened with the group hug would be a huge understatement.
I've hardly ever even spoken a word to the girl, and already I'm hugging her! Rachel probably thinks I'm really odd. I wonder what Liam thinks of us hugging.
I seriously hope he doesn't try to talk to me about it. I've had enough embarrassment for one day, and to make things worse, Rachel has hardly even glanced at me since then! I even notice her smiling at Harry. She probably likes him and thinks I'm mental.
Harry always gets the girl.
Whoa, hold the phone
Did Harry seriously just go over there and sit down next to Rachel and put his arm around her?!
I knew it! What an idiot I am to actually think that she would like me! Harry's more her age anyways.
However, I admit the minute Rachel walked through the door to the Green Room, I thought she was stunning.
Liam talked about her all the time, and he was definitely right. She is beautiful! When it was my turn to introduce myself, I had trouble finding words to say.
Not to mention when we shook hands. I felt a jolt of energy run up my arm, something I've never felt before. I thought maybe she felt it, too. Who am I kidding, though? She probably doesn't even like me.
*3 a.m. that morning*
*Rachel's POV*
I wake up with a jolt, and turn over to see that the alarm clock on my bedside table reads 3:01.
Liam is gently snoring on the cot set up for him across the room.
I do love my brother. He always comforts me when I'm sad, and he loves to spend time with me. Shame on me for thinking that he didn't like me anymore!
Tomorrow is definitely going to be a brother-sister day.
Oh, wait, it is tomorrow.
Oh, well, then I guess today is going to be a brother sister day.
I go downstairs to get a glass of milk. As I'm pouring it, I hear footsteps pattering down the stairs. I whirl around quickly, ready to bust some serious karate moves. Good thing I don't, because standing behind me, grinning cheekily, is Harry.
A/N: Tell me what you think is going to happen in the comments!
What did you think of Louis and Rachel's little 'moment'?
Keep Reading! <3
-M x

My Brother the Popstar
FanficRachel Payne always told her brother, Liam, to go out there and follow his dreams. She just didn't think he'd leave her behind in the process. When Liam comes back home with his new bandmates after 6 Months to stay the summer with his family, Rach...