A/N: Hi! I might not be posting for a couple of days after chapter 10, bc i need to write more chapters. The good news is that my writer's block is FINALLY gone, so the chapters should be much better now. Hopefully I don't get writer's block for a long time after this.
Keep reading! <3
I run up to my room to shoot Miley a text.
To: Miles X
Hey gurl can I come over got a question for ya :)
Miley's response text comes after a few seconds.
From: Miles X
Sure chica whatever u say!
I go back downstairs, then climb the fence that separates our two yards.
I know, it's pretty awesome that I live right next to my best friend. We just climb the fence, and we can instantly talk to each other! We even used to come into each other's rooms when we got scared of a thunderstorm. It's one of the things that make Miley and I like sisters.
I climb into her bedroom through the window like always. Miley looks up from her songbook (she wants to be a song writer one day, one of her many ambitions) and runs over to greet me.
"What's up, babes?" The redhead questions as I flop onto her bed.
"Well-" I prepare to ask her to stay over.
"Wait, wait!" She interrupts. "Before you say anything else, tell me about this romance with you and The Sass Master from Doncaster!"
"He's from Doncaster?" I ask. "Interesting. Well, I accidentally said something mean about Liam in front of him, and ran out of the kitchen-"
Miley whacks me on the arm. Dang, this girl is strong!
"Ouch!" I hit her back. "What was that for?"
"That," she hits me again. "is for upsetting Liam on his first day back! God, Rachel! At least try to be nice!"
I roll my eyes. "Just hush, and let me finish my story. Anyways, Liam ran out of the kitchen and onto the porch because he was upset. We ended up making up and hugging it out, and then Louis and the boys came out."
"Oh! We're just now getting to the good part, I can tell!" The girl squeals loudly, hugging tightly to a pillow.
"Anyways," I continue. "Louis looked at me and then shouted 'Group Hug!' and then we all hugged, but Louis and I continued hugging when it was over."
"Ooh la la!" Miley giggles in a fake french accent.
"But wait, there's more!" I begin to ramble again. Sharing my story with her is starting to get exciting. "While we were watching a movie in the living room, Harry came over and asked to sit next to me. When I said yes, he sat down and put his arm around me!"
"No way!" Miley exclaims. "How did Louis react to this?"
My shoulders lift in a shrug. "I don't know, really. I didn't see him."
"Did anything else happen?" Miley asks.
"Oh yeah!" I answer. "And this next one's going to blow your mind!"
"What?" Miley asks anxiously.
"Well, I came downstairs in the middle of the night to get a glass of milk, and Harry was there!"
"Did he try anything?" Miley inquires.
"Well he did try to kiss me!" I yell.
"No WAY!" She screams. Then she starts to run around in a circle yelling something that sounds like, "HARRY STYLES TRIED TO KISS YOU! BLOODY HELL! BLOODY FUCKING HELL! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?! IT MEANS THAT YOU ARE LIVING MY DREAMS! AH!"
Miley is so loud, her mother yells up the stairs, "Girls? Are you alright up there?"
"Shh!" I hush Miley, turning around to yell to her mother. "Yes, Mrs. Mitchell!"
"So, you're stuck in a love triangle between Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles?" She asks with a quiet, dreamy voice. "Sounds like a dream come true to me! Except, you know, mine would have been with Harry and Niall."
My shoulders lift in a half-hearted shrug. "I wouldn't exactly call it a 'love triangle.' The truth is, I don't like Harry that way. That's why I didn't kiss him."
All of a sudden, Miley starts laughing for no reason.
"What?" I ask curiously.
"Well," Miley hiccups between laughter. "It's the first day, and already all of this has happened! Just imagine what the rest of the summer's going to be like!"
I think for a minute, and realize that she's right. We both start laughing uncontrollably.
"Okay," Miley gasps after about five minutes of laughter. "What did you want to ask me?"
"Oh, Yeah!" I say. "Mum is going to be gone for a week or two, and she said it would okay to have you over, so I was wondering if you wanted to stay with us?"
Miley looks shocked. "Stay with you," She says excitedly. "And One Direction?!" Miley then proceeds to let out the highest pitched squeal that seems humanely possible. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"
I'm not quite sure what, but something tells me Miley is really excited to meet the band.
"Whoa, girl!" I exclaim. "Calm down! Just act like they're normal people. I mean, they are normal people if you just take the time to get to know them!"
"Okay, okay, I'm done." Miley says after another minute of fangirling. The redhead then begins to pack, furiously throwing articles of clothing into her suitcase as I watch her, amused. Once a few moments have passed, Miley pauses, turning around to face me. "Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna help me?"
Shaking my head, I begin to chuckle and help her stuff her suitcases.
We pack a bunch of stuff. It's as if she's staying with us for the summer, not just one or two weeks! I'm always happy to let Miley borrow my clothes, but she has her own personal style. We pack a couple of bathing suits in case we decide to go to the beach, some nice dresses in case of a special occasion, and about twenty different outfits! Let's not forget shoes, though.
We packed 25 different pairs of shoes in all, using a seperate suitcase just for them. There are 10 different pairs of flip flops, each one a different color, 5 pairs of flats, 5 pairs of Vans, 3 pairs of Toms, 2 pairs of trainers, and 5 pairs of wedges.
"Miles why do you need.." I pick up a dog toy in the shape of a turkey. "This?"
Miley shrugs. "Um...in case we find a lost dog and have to take him in?
I raise an eyebrow.
"Just throw it in!" She exclaims, making me laugh.
After we pack everything in Miley's bedroom but her bed, we head back to my house. Surprisingly, Miley is really calm. She walks normally and acts as if we are just about to have your average sleepover. Which, we are. It's just that one of the most popular boy bands in the world is gonna be there. No big deal, right?
A/N: Oh, Miley, you and your packing of everything ^.^

My Brother the Popstar
FanfictionRachel Payne always told her brother, Liam, to go out there and follow his dreams. She just didn't think he'd leave her behind in the process. When Liam comes back home with his new bandmates after 6 Months to stay the summer with his family, Rach...