Chapter 14: Now How Do We Get Home?

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Hello dere! I've had a kind of busy week, but I've made time for wattpad :D. I just wanted to tell you that you should expect up dates every week! And remember, keep readin! <3

P. S. There's a little of Miley's POV in this one ;)


*Rachel's POV*

Huh? What's going on? What's that noise? Ugh, it's so loud...

I look over at the window to see Louis, looking down at the street below, shaking his head slightly.

"Lou?" I say. He jumps in surprise. "Oh, you're awake." He says, coming over to the bed.

"What were you looking at? What's wrong?!" I inquire, concerned. Louis chuckles.

"Relax, Rachel!" He says. "God, you and Liam are definitly related."

"Lou!" I giggle and slap him on the arm playfully."Seriously, though, what's wrong?"

Louis shakes his head again. "It's those bloody fans! They're blocking the exit!" Oh, god. I'd never had much of a problem wiith fans in the past, except for that one time when my family was on vacation in America.

Ugh, bad memories.

"What?! How are we going to go home?!" I exclaim, running over to the window. It's been 2 days since I woke up, and 6 days since I came to the hospital. My headache has gone away by now, and I can finally get around without Louis having to carry me everywhere. Not that I didn't enjoy that, or anything...

I'm supposed to be released from the hospital today, and the press must have found out.


Yep, Louis was right. They are definitely blocking the exit. No shit, Rachel. How stupid am I? "UGGH!" I say. I flop down on the bed. This whole thing is horrible. I turn to Louis.

"Louis?" I ask tentatively, looking over at the Doncaster boy.

"Mhmm?" He replies, coming over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry I got us into this whole mess." I apologize.

"What do you mean?" Asks a confused Louis. Another sigh leaves my lips. "I'm sorry I had a panic attack, I'm sorry we had to go to the hospital. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be here. It's all my fault." I say, starting to cry. God, I'm such a wimp.

"Puh-lease," Louis rolls his eyes at my dramatics. "If this is anyone's fault, it's mine. We shouldn't have been evesdropping on you, and I should've told you I liked you when you caught me. I should have just said, 'Rachel, will you go out with me?' Right then and there. But no, I had to wait until you had a bloody panic attack." The boy exclaims, laughing at himself. "I'm just glad you're okay."

With that, Louis Tomlinson leans over and pecks the top of my forehead. I smile in response. Ahhh, you gotta love Louis.

Now, how do we get home?

*Louis' POV*

Leaving a sleeping Rachel in her room, I ring Simon for some advice as to how to get out of here.

"Uncle Si, the bloody fans are blocking our way out of the hospital!" I whine as soon as the older man picks up.

"Louis, don't whine. It's unbecoming." Comes his unenthused reply. A groan escapes my mouth.

"How are we going to get home!?" I frantically question, resulting in a simple chuckle from Simon.

"Relax, Louis, the public probably just want to know what has happened to Rachel, and why she's in the hospital. We need to schedule a press conference, let everyone know that it was only a minor panic attack and everyone is okay. While you're at it, you could also nonchalantly bring that you and you and Rachel are now dating. That's only if you want to make it public, though."

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