30. We Are One

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Visenya rushed down the halls from the infirmary, making her way to the small council room where Aemond was severely questioned by his mother and grandsire

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Visenya rushed down the halls from the infirmary, making her way to the small council room where Aemond was severely questioned by his mother and grandsire. He was thankfully unharmed. It was Daemon and Visenya that walked away with bloody faces.

"- And you think that was an appropriate response?" Otto asked. Visenya stopped before the doors, not making herself known but listening to their words.

"She is my wife! He came here to attack her and I shall not let that stand. He laid his hand on her and the next person to do so shall find themselves without a hand."

Visenya smiled at Aemond's words.

"But you still attacked another prince, Aemond."

"And where was this reaction to Baela and Rhaena when they attacked me for merely claiming a dragon? Where is the justice for Visenya?"

"The girl that took your eye?" Otto scoffed.

"She's not the one that started that fight. But we let Daemon go unpunished for choking her before her wedding, this could not. I would not allow and I won't allow it again."

"Aemond, you know I trust your skills but daemon could run circles around any warrior with his skills. He could have hurt you more than you did to him," Alicent spoke.

"And it would have been worth it, Mother."

There was a silence in the room and Otto scoffed. "You actually love her don't you?"

"You scoff as if you think of love as pointless and unwise, Grandsire."

Don't make enemies, Aemond. We need him for now.

"Love is a child's game in comparison to the real game. Do not forget that, boy."

"My love for that girl is what's going to put us on the throne, don't forget that. And good luck finding a backup. We are your backup. You will never get Aegon on that throne and Daeron couldn't be less interested. If you want an equal opponent to Rhaenyra, it is her."

Visenya's face was bright red from the blushing, his words making her fall more in love with him. Aemond believed in her without question. Aemond jumped between her and a man he know could easily beat him without a second thought for her. Her Aemond.

"Consider this a warning, boy. Go."

Aemond left the room before she had a chance to move and he almost ran into her. He stared down at her in confusion and rose a brow. "Spying again, Niece?"

"Maybe I was, Husband," She whispered in return and he did well at hiding the shock on his face. She rarely called him that behind closed doors.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, cupping her cheek and carefully stroking his thumb over her broken nose.

"Fine enough. Resetting it was awful."

"Hm. Next time, let me do it. I have had to reset my own and Aegon's after sparring matches. I happen to think I am better at it than the damn maester."

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