Chapter 4

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James pov;

It has been a month since I have been trying to locate my little sister, but unfortunately, she is nowhere to be found. It appears as if she has disappeared without a trace. I haven't yet informed my father, as this has happened before, and every time I try to find her, my hopes are crushed. I feel so helpless when this happens. Since I shared the news of seeing Rose with my father and brother, it seems as if our family is falling apart. I feel as though I am giving them false hope regarding finding our Rose.

As the days passed by, Dad began to look lifeless. However, he still tried his best to look strong for us. He constantly told us not to lose hope. Liam and Noah turned into workaholics. Even though I tried several times to stop them from working, they never listened to me. They felt that they had to do all the work so that I could focus solely on finding our rose and bringing her back home with me. They yearned to have her back with us as soon as possible. As for Andrew and Ruby, they started behaving strangely.

Ethan is his usual self, cold-hearted and quiet, while Andrew is constantly fuming and unapproachable. No matter how hard we try to engage him in conversation, he simply ignores us, as though we don't even exist in his world. Ruby appears to be deeply troubled by this, and I attempted to speak with her about it, but my mind is preoccupied with finding Rose. This does not mean that I do not care for my other siblings, especially my sisters, but locating Rose has become my top priority.

Today, Dad wants to visit our grandparents with Andrew and Ruby because Grandma misses us and wants to see us. She even called me to come along, but I can't go because I need to be here in case there's any update about Rose. I didn't want to miss this opportunity, so I asked Liam and Noah to go instead, but they declined. They said they could visit Grandma anytime, but for now, they need to focus on finding Rose. They insisted so much that I let them stay with me.

Honestly, I didn't mind when Dad told me that he was going to Grandpa's house with my brother Andrew. However, I got really angry when he said that he was taking Ruby with him too. We even had a big fight about it because I didn't want Ruby near our Grandpa. In the end, Dad won the argument because he said that Grandma wants to meet Ruby too and that I don't have to worry about it since he is going to keep a close eye on Grandpa.

Our grandpa loves Rose so much. She was his favorite grandchild, and his love for Rose was profound and unwavering. It is so strong that he would willingly give up his life if she ever asked for it. However, things were different with Ruby. Grandpa never cared for her and ignored her as if she was invisible. But after learning about what we did to Rose, something changed within him. He stopped talking to us and now only responds if we initiate the conversation. Nonetheless, it is clear that he still loves and cares for us deeply, with the lone exception of Ruby.

The incident had a profound impact on him, causing him to develop an intense loathing for Ruby. He is convinced that Ruby is solely responsible for everything that happened and firmly believes that she orchestrated the entire ordeal to gain attention. He goes so far as to blame Ruby for the disintegration of our family, stating that she doesn't belong in our family. Dad was so outraged by Grandpa's comments that he refused to speak to him or even acknowledge his existence for three months. However, he eventually came to understand that Grandpa was speaking from a place of hurt. Despite his deep-seated hatred for what was done to Rose, he cannot bring himself to hate his family. He feels the need to assign blame, and Ruby is an easy target.


The dull light of my office barely illuminated the room, creating a dim atmosphere that matched my mood. The sudden ring of the phone jolted me out of my thoughts, making my heart race with anticipation. I answered the call to hear the voice of the man I had tasked with finding Rose. A surge of anxiety and hope flooded my senses, I could feel my breaths getting shorter and my palms getting sweaty. Finally, I let out a heavy sigh, took the call, and demanded he speak. A moment of silence passed before he finally broke it with his words. Sir, while we were searching, a fire broke out in a building in the area. Only one girl named Rose survived the fire. We strongly believe that she is the same girl we have been searching for.

you're sure? I said that just to make sure.

yes, sir, we are. he said

I hung up the phone and soon after, it rang again. This time, it was my father on the other end of the line. His voice was filled with excitement as he exclaimed, "James, you won't believe what just happened! Someone from Paris contacted me and informed me that they had found Rose. They have requested me to go there and fill out paperwork for her custody."

"Dad, I received a call from my man. They said that while searching for a long time, a building caught fire near them, and only one girl survived. They believe that the girl might be our Rose." I knew he would panic after hearing about the fire incident, but it was important for him to know.

WHAT? My Rose was in a burning building. is she fine? did she get hurt? no no no I didn't even meet my baby yet and someone already tried to hurt her. no, I can't let anyone hurt her again. I need to go to my baby, James get ready. I already called our pilot and told him to ready for our private plane. we are leaving for Paris as soon as possible. understand? he said in his panicked and excited voice.

But Dad, you can't come with me. you are in Grandpa's house with Andrew and Ruby, you can't leave them there, especially Ruby. Do you know how Grandpa behaves with Ruby? I said that because I didn't want Dad to leave Ruby in Grandpa's house especially when Grandpa is there too.

James, I know how your grandpa behaves with Ruby, that's why I already told Andrew to go home with Ruby. I've already left for the airport and you should get there fast. I can't wait anymore. after saying that, he cut the call then I went to Liam and Noah to tell them about everything and told them to not say anything about this to Andrew and Ruby for now, and told them to take care of themself. then I also left for the airport hoping to take our Rose with us while coming back.

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