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Third person POV;

As Ruby and her friends sat there, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Just moments ago, Rose had jumped from the rooftop railing. Their faces went pale with shock and disbelief, as they tried to come to terms with what had just happened. They all knew that jumping from such a great height was incredibly dangerous and they couldn't believe that Rose had made it out unscathed but they remembered that they saw her motionless body lying on the ground fully covered by her blood. As they were about to speak, they heard screams and saw people running in front of their classroom. The teacher asked one of the students who was running around what had happened and he said that they had seen the dead body of a girl.

Ruby and her friends arrived at a place where a crowd had gathered around a body, causing panic and shock among Ruby's friends. They couldn't see the face of the body lying on the ground due to the crowd, but they noticed it was at the same spot where Rose's body lay.

Ruby felt uncomfortable as Ruby was about to approach the site where a body had been discovered, Andrew abruptly appeared in front of her and blocked her path. Ruby was visibly shaken by the sight and demanded to know what was going on. Andrew calmly explained that it would be best for her not to see the body, as it could be a traumatic experience for her. He offered to answer any questions she had and guide her through the situation. 

She was curious to witness it firsthand, so she implored him to step aside and give her a clear view. However, he remained obstinate and refused to budge. Ruby expressed her defeat but then informed him that Rose was alone in her classroom, appearing scared and on the verge of having a panic attack. This caused him to run to Rose's classroom in a panicked state, completely forgetting about Ruby. As a result, Ruby became emotional and began to cry.

as Andrew quickly stepped aside to make way for Ruby, who rushed over to the spot to see whose body it was. As she approached and looked down, she gasped in horror and disbelief. The sight of the sindy( her friend who took Rose to the rooftop) lifeless figure lying motionless on the ground in front of her was too much to bear, and she let out a heart-wrenching scream as tears streamed down her face. The weight of the situation hit her all at once, and she couldn't help but cry out in despair. While Ruby was standing there, Sindy's bloodied body lay nearby, her eyes fixed in the same direction where Ruby was.

As she stumbled and lost her balance, she suddenly found herself on the floor. Her eyes quickly darted to the side and she saw Rose, who was standing next to Sindy's motionless body. A wicked smirk adorned Rose's face as she looked down at her, making her feel uneasy and threatened. The scene was eerily quiet, except for the sound of her heavy breathing, as she tried to make sense of what she was witnessing.

Andrew POV;

I sprinted towards the classroom with a sense of urgency, my heart racing with anxiety as I searched for Rose. I scanned the entire room, looking behind every desk and peeping through every corner, but unfortunately, I couldn't find her anywhere. Ruby informed me that she was on the verge of having a panic attack. What if something happens to her? I hope she is okay. Lorenzo strictly instructed me to keep an eye on her, but I couldn't even do that. I didn't want to lose her again, so I called Lorenzo. After some time, he picked up my call, and I told him everything.

He gave me specific instructions to search for Rose and keep looking until he arrives. I am not entirely sure why, but I have an unsettling feeling that something unpleasant might happen. I am hoping for the best, but I cannot shake off this sense of unease. As I was on the search for Rose, I suddenly stumbled upon one of Ruby's friends. She looked terrified, and her eyes were darting around as if she were trying to escape from someone or something. I could see the fear in her eyes, and her face was pale. She was muttering something under her breath, and I could barely make out the words, "Please don't kill me." The urgency in her voice made me wonder if she was in some kind of danger. I decided to approach her and ask if everything was okay, but she quickly turned and ran away.

I ignored her and continued searching for Rose when I received a message from an unknown number. Upon opening it, I discovered a picture of Ruby with someone pointing a gun at her from behind.

I just went back to Ruby's place after seeing a picture. While I was on my way, I noticed an unusual light emanating from a classroom. Initially, I was going to ignore it, but then I heard Rose's voice calling me from inside the classroom. As soon as I entered, I was pushed to the ground by an unknown source. I looked around and realized that all the doors and windows had vanished.

I was panicking in a room when I noticed two circles. Upon closer inspection, I realized the circles were filled with pictures. As I looked at the pictures more closely, I saw that the left circle contained a picture of Rose, and the right circle contained a picture of Ruby.

I don't know what is happening here or who is doing all of this. Then I remembered that I had my phone with me. I thought I could call my brothers, and they could get me out of there. As I reached for my phone from my pocket, suddenly a strong gust of wind blew in, causing my phone to fly out of my hand. As I looked around, I noticed that the whole room was now covered in the word 'choose'.

Out of nowhere, I experienced a loss of control over my body and began to veer towards the left in a circular motion. I attempted to halt my movement by grabbing hold of a nearby cabinet, which proved successful. However, shortly thereafter, a timer appeared on a screen and a message was displayed on a board.

Choose before I kill both of them

As I sit here, staring at the wall, I am consumed with indecision and anxiety. My two sisters are both dear to me, and I am struggling to choose between them. The mere thought of losing either of them fills me with a deep sense of dread, and I feel powerless to protect them from afar. 

I wish I could be there with them, to hold them close and shield them from harm. But alas, I am here, far away, and unable to offer them the comfort and protection they deserve. It is a difficult decision to make, for they are both so important to me, and I cannot bear the thought of choosing one over the other.  

I was lost in thought when suddenly I lost control of my body and it ran towards the circle on the left. As soon as I touched the left circle, I noticed that all of Ruby's pictures were in the correct order and I heard her scream.

hey guys, 🤗

I hope you like this chapter❤️

what do you think about Rose?

do you think she is human or not?

are you guys excited for the next update?

stay safe and healthy❣️

thank you😊

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