Chapter Three

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Not getting a wink of sleep last night to afraid men in suits would kick my door down and drag me back to my father , no not just any men Gabriel . Closing my eyes and sighing I sat back on the tiny wooden chair resting my head in my hands . Grey eyes flashed in my mind.
Sitting up I looked at the time , my new identity should be ready now . Grabbing the large duffel bag that held what belongings I needed for this next trip I headed for the door .
Two abrupt knocks stopped me in my tracks .
I looked behind me at the window leading to the fire escape contemplating if I should risk it and make a run for it .
The fire escape despite the city and the fire Marshall's harassment about getting it repaired the landlord had not it remained to broken to use .
Dropping the duffel bag and walking to my door I looked out the peep hole , Ian stood with another man .
With a brief hesitation I opened the door slightly .
"Uhm yes ?" I said not faking the confusion , why were they here .
"We're here to take you to work". Ian said his Russian accent not as thick as me Romanovs .
"I thought Mr. Romanov wanted me to take the day off ?" I questioned .
"Change of plans he needs his item restored faster then he anticipated." Ian said gesturing me to follow them . I rolled my eyes it was different when Romanov did it his presence demanding compliance whereas Ian's annoyed me .
We pulled into the store front of Mr. Ozeras small shop , Romanovs vehicle was parked in front along side a black SUV .
My mind was racing a million miles a minute trying to guess what the sudden urgency to get this work done .
When we got inside I was greeted by Mr Ozera himself his worn and tired face held a rueful look . If I had known the connection that old man had I wouldn't ever had worked for him I needed to stay low profile working for someone who had ties to a mafia was not low profile . Still I felt a tiny bit for him , he got dragged from his sickly wife to deal with whatever this was .
"Ms Sarah my apologies for the unfortunate events of last night and for interrupting your morning but this is rather important. The pay for this price has risen as well" he apologized his already prominent wrinkles deepened with concern.
"The payment has tripled you will be paid well , it needs to be done tonight ." Mr Romanov spoke announcing himself in the room , he was standing in the entry way that lead to the back room . His custom suit fit his body perfectly his tall frame leaned almost causally against the door frame .
I couldn't help but stare for a second then allowed myself to breath out relief flooding through me, this wasn't about me .
Giving a small sigh i nodded and made my way to the back, accidentally brushing against Mr Romanov . He tensed slightly as did I , my face heated . I mumbled a sorry and scurried past him .


Six very long hours later under the watchful eyes of Romanov I was able to clean and restore the beautiful piece almost to its former glory . I couldn't help but get grow a small attachment to the beauties gold vines and the mysterious woman wrapped around the stem.

Mr Romanov and his men retrieved the golden gilt and left shortly after I stayed behind with Mr ozera to collect my payment.
" I can understand if you don't come back after today ms Sarah." Me ozera said after a couple of silent moments as I gathered my things. "I've observed you enough to know your running from someone , or something . I don't care to to know what or who it isn't my business." He quickly said after I tensed. "I'll be sad to see you go , you've been a great asset to my store . I know dimitri can be a lot to take in but I've known his family for many years -." I stopped listening stuck on the name . Dimitri , finally his name . I couldn't help but find his name perfect for him .
"- I won't hold you much longer Sarah , I hope I we'll see you Again soon . Take care of girl . Your job well always be here if anything ." He said a last . Patting my hand softly . I took in his tires eyes and felt a tinge of sadness. He took a chance on me and allowed me to work no questions asked no matter how curious he seemed . I'd miss him and this place but it was time to move on , time to say goodbye to Sarah marshal .
Walking out of the small antique store for the final time I fastened my sweater around me started my walk back to the apartment to get my bag .
A black Range Rover and a tall suited figure leaning against it stopped my in my tracks ...again .

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