Chapter Six

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Ten days had come and gone smoothly I had gone back to work for Mr ozera during my time here he was delighted but tried to hide it but I seen his warm smiles when he thought I wasn't looking .
I had seen Dimitri only twice since he left me his penthouse. I could get used to it living in luxury something I hadn't been able to enjoy since running away .
I sighed and readjusted myself on the outdoor couch looking at the city lights .
I wonder if father had given up searching I doubt it though he wouldn't let me go that easy . Gabriel wouldn't give up searching for me. Thinking of Gabriel my chest tightened of fear and the old longing I felt for him though it wasn't as strong as it used to be when I allowed myself to think of home .
A loud bing shook me from my thoughts and the phone I was given lit up with a notification surprising me.
Ian set up a security app on my phone so when he or Dimitri came by or anyone I'd get an alert .
Swiping the phone i opening the notification. I gasped .
Jumping to my feet I ran to the elevator swiping the card the elevator doors slid open and I hurried inside heart beating out of my chest .
The small wait to the garage floor seemed like hours as i willed it to go faster .
What seemed like two hours later the elevator doors slid open and someone slammed into me throwing me off balance into the wall behind me .
The body slumped to the floor .
"Dimitri" I called frantically dropping down checking over his bloody body .
Someone how I managed to swipe the card and and the elevator took us up to my floor .
Checking his body trying to find the source of his bleeding I found it, two small holes one in his shoulder and another in his abdomen.
Once the elevator closed I dragged him inside using all the strength I could muster . Running to the bathroom I yanked towels down and went back to Dimitri applying pressure to his wounds to stop the bleeding . He needed medical attention and fast rechecking the wounds I searched his back for exit wounds thankfully the bullets went through and through .
Quickly getting to my feet I stumbled back into the patio and grabbed my phone clicking Ian's contact and calling .
"I'm on my way,  Dr Steele will need to be let in I won't make it there before he does" was his short reply then the line ended . Right he had to have gotten the security notification too .
Keeping my phone close I went back to Dimitri and pulled him onto the couch the best I could . Breathing heavily i crouched down beside him applying more pressure the his wounds .
His eyes fluttered open meeting my worried ones his eyes went down to my shirt and god help me I turned the reddest I have ever in my lifetime . I was in his shirt the one I used the first night I came to the penthouse .
His eyes closed once more and sweat beaded on him a forehead his jaw was tight as he clenched his teeth in pain his breathing was labored .
He was mumbling things in Russian I could not understand . Thankfully my notification went off signaling the arrival of the dr .

Four long hours later of waiting the Drs footsteps descending the stairs that lead the the master bedroom. Ian straightened up already walking to meet him at the bottom .
"He will be fine, the worst parts over . He needs rest he shouldn't be moved , let him heal . He wants to speak to you before the meds take him under " he said to Ian . Ian walked hurried upstairs, he had been stressed and worried for Dimitri pacing through the penthouse non stop . When Ian had come up and seen the state Dimitri was in he had turned white and helped take him upstairs . He had also got on his phone all conversations were in Russian and his anger was very clear . He seemed to really care for Dimitri, he was more then just his boss they were close and someone I had observed that Dimitri trusted more then anyone .
"Make sure he takes these every six hours, and these twice a day . You will need to change his bandages regularly. Make sure he gets his rest." The dr said to me putting two prescription bottles down and motioning to which was which . He then set a bag of medical supplies down . He left shortly not before giving me his number to call if Dimitri had gotten any worse then he was .
Fifteen minutes later Ian left after checking in with me . I made my way up towards the guest room where I now would be staying since Dimitri has reclaimed his .
I put some new sleeping clothes and and grabbed a towel and headed for the shower .
Throwing Dimitri's bloody shirt to the floor in dismay it was ruined now .
Stepping into the huge shower I let the hot water fall on me relishing in the heat as my muscles slowly unwinded .
When I was dressed I walked up to Dimitis room bandages and medicine in hand ready to check his wounds .
He was laying on the bed shirtless two while patches taped on his wounds . His chest rose and fell evenly as he slept I sat next to him on the bed after setting the supplies down on the night stand bedside him . As lightly as I could I check his bandages making sure they didn't need to be changed yet . As I reached for his shoulder wound lifting the bandage softly his hand shot out grabbing my wrist stopping me I let out a soft gasp . Those dark eyes flashed open meeting my own then quickly searching the room . He tried to sit up in bed but I quickly Palmed his good shoulder stopping him .
"No you can't be up yet" I said alarmed that he would even attempt it .
He winced at the pain from sitting up so fast and complied but he narrowed his eyes annoyance clear on his face .
"Where's Ian" he asked eyes roaming the room once again .
"He left earlier, didn't say much just that he would return again at some point." I answered handing him the glass of water that was sitting at his bed side . He hesitantly took it and drank the entire glass .
"How's the pain ?" I asked standing up as I crossing my arms trying not to stare at his naked chest . Seeing what those suits covered up was dangerous I was ten seconds away from drooling like a school girl .
Get it together mia I thought to myself then froze I haven't called myself by my real name in so long I had drilled Sara into my mind until I believe that was who I was .
"Nothing I can't bare" he said I couldn't hold back the eye roll such a man's reply as if he read my mind he rolled his eyes back at me .
Letting out a small laugh I grabbed the glass, " I'll be right back I'll get you more water for the medication" I said walking away .
When I retuned he was sound asleep his back facing me as I walked back into his room, scars littered his back along with dark ink patterns . I stared my mouth ajar, shaking myself out of the trance I hurried to place the water by the pills and back out. Glancing back at his scars I bit my lip, that could've been me ... my own scars and wounds from leading an empire built on murder drugs and violence .
My feet took me to the patio outside on their own accord my mind was occupied and what could've been my future if I had t gotten away . I sat and curled into the couch eyes unfocused and thoughts running wild . It was time to go back to my apartment or better out of New York .

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