Chapter Five

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A splitting headache welcomed me as I woke squeezing my eyes tight together I recalled what happened . My eyes snapped open and I sat up immediately . I was in a room a very big and nice room .  I was on a king size bed on top of a big Black comforter.
The door opened and jumped up defensive stance not sure what to expect . I didn't even know what where I was or why I was here .
Dimitri entered and I found myself relaxing  at the sight of him . He wore a dark suit that fit him perfectly , his hair styles messy on top of his head . He had a slight 5'oclock shadow growing in complementing his full lips . This almost black eyes met mine intensity shining through making me feel warm inside.
"Ms Sarah I'm glad your up I'm sorry we didn't reach you in time" he said accent thick.
" where I am I?" I questioned trying not to appear as flustered as I felt .
Dimitri stood in the door way turned and motioned for someone to come in I tensed .
An older man maybe in his 60s walked in with a small back bag .
"This is dr Steele he's going to check you out . You've been struck twice in a short span of time." He continued not answering me .
"Please sit ms" the dr said his accent seemingly even more prominent then dimitris .
I complied but questioned Dimitri once more .
" where am I and why am I here ?"
As the doctor examined me and asked me questions I looked at Dimitri when I could still waiting his eyes met mine each time annoyance started to build in me.
I flash of what I can only guess was amusement flashed in his darkest eyes , I  opened my mouth to snap at him when he finally started to talk .
" your apartment is located in the middle of a lowly gang war . A fight had broken out and you just happen to show up at its peak . Word got back to me and we went to you . When we arrived  you were struck by some of the gang members . We took care of them and brought you here" he explained . I blinked taking it in, the dr cleared me with a clean bill of health and left silently .
"But why? And you still haven't said where I am" I replied .
"You are in one of my penthouses in the city. I brought you here to stay until it is safe and the war has died down . I told you that you were under my protection and I meant it." He finished he turned and walked out the door I sprang up and went after him.
"What do you mean stay here ? I can't stay here. I don't even know you Mr Romanov." I exclaimed completely baffled .  I paused as I took in my surrounding once more . This place was huge and very beautifully decorated, I'm guessing Dimitri liked the dark esthetics with the way the whole condo was decorated. Blacks and greys covered the walls and furniture .
" Dimitri" I called as he continued to walk away .
He stopped then spun around walking back to me like a lion hunting it's prey . I back up until I hit a wall he continues until he was a few inches away
The smell of his cologne evaded my senses .
"It is for your own safety , two weeks and then you are free to go back home . You are not prisoner here come and go as you please . I don't stay here unless I have lengthy business in the city . I'm offering my place to you nothing in return ." He said his voice low .
I swallowed staring into those dark abyss's at a loss for words . 
"Dimitri..." I whispered softly, his nostrils flared briefly and then he turned and walked away to a set of  elevators.
"Ian will come by shortly with security cards with full access to this penthouse and he will have a driver assigned to you when you need to go somewhere . Please accept my offer." He said eyeing me up and down as he stepped into the elevator . Looking around the penthouse briefly I sighed and nodded softly . He held my gaze for a few seconds more then the doors shut .
A penthouse . A freaking penthouse ! What have you got me into Mr ozera I thought quizzically as I wondered the penthouse I'd be staying in for the next couple of weeks or was I ?

After wandering around and looking at everything I'd fallen in love with the outside patio and planted myself out there taking in the city's skyline . I hadn't ever really let myself enjoy the city lights and beautiful skyline the 6 months I had been here I didn't allow myself to get attached to one place .
I had messed up somewhere here in New York growing attached to the antique store, how each project that I was able to put some timeless beautiful piece back together and see it's very own story or sometimes I'd make up my own about them . Mr. Ozera was unlike anyone I had met since I've been running in him I found the father I had always hopes for .
Lost in thought I didn't hear the elevators open or the footsteps coming my way .
"Ms Marshall" I spun around quickly eyes darting to the intruder .
"Ian, you scared me" I said waking inside, he followed .
"I am here to give you the security cards to the penthouse . And this-." He handed me a new iPhone box and two cards. " Mr Romanov is already saved my number as well if you need anything . Marcus will be your driver he is also in the phone . It is important that nobody but you have access to any of this . Nobody but Romanov and I have access to the penthouse now you nobody else can enter." He explained .
Again today I was at loss for words staying here was one thing but a new phone too and not some cheap burner phone either  it one of the most expensive things out . 
" you were brought here in such short notice there will be things you need Marcus will take you tomorrow to your apartment for necessities to get you through these next couple of weeks ." He said looking at his phone briefly then looked up at me .
"Is there anything we can get you for tonight ?" He questioned .
"Uhm no I'm fin- wait yes I need to change out of these clothes" I said quickly realizing I was quite dirty . He nodded made a phone call walking outside for privacy .

Playing with the ends of my hair I waited patiently .
"Dinitri says you can use some sleeping wear from the closet for tonight, I'll be going now goodbye ms Marshall" Ian concluded leaving right after .
My cheeks warmed at the thought of wearing dimitris things.

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