Chapter Fourteen

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It had been six months since Dimitri brought me to "our home" he said . The penthouse wasn't suitable for His Woman he had said to my amazement . These past few months have been blissful and also frustrating, getting to know one another on a level neither of us had experienced before. It was push and pull the first couple of months with us but we couldn't give up and communication we work through whatever issue that arises . There are some lonely days where Dimitri throws himself into his business and mafia affairs but thankfully Mr o and the shop are good distractions . Next week there is a huge Masquerade ball celebrating Dimitris grand reopening of Royal Plaza chain hotels across the states . It would be the first event I would attend and I would be at Dimitris side, by now everyone knew Dimitri had someone but they didn't know who it was important that I stayed out off the radar .
Dimitri didn't mind that I wanted to stay hidden away from the crime world it kept threats like what had happened with Santos away .
Even though nobody knew who I was he still made sure I had security and was safe everywhere I went I was his everything he said on multiple occasions and if anything would happen to me hell would be unleashed . This upcoming masquerade was huge and security would be tight to ensure the safety of all attending guest which would include all the most important leaders of the crime world in the states and Russia . Invitation was extended to my father and cold hard fear gripped me every moment since I seen his name on the guest list I could only hope he wouldn't come and if he did and brought Gabriel along I would be found out . Thinking back on Gabriel I didn't feel the longing or hurt from the pain he has caused me many years ago what I did feel was fear cold fear that he would be there at the party that he was would know exactly who I was at first glance . If anyone could it would be him he had been by my side watching and learning everything
about me for years he knew me better then I knew myself . I sighed and ran my hands through my long brown hair regretting wearing it down today . Reassuring myself I thought he knew me then it had been 7 years ago he didn't know who I was now or how much my body had changed . I wasn't the lanky flat chested girl with the short brown hair that never grew passed her shoulders . The light freckles that draped across my nose lightened into nothing . No I was not the same , he didn't know me anymore I wasn't pathetic mia anymore I was Sarah marshal .

I had a shift today at Mr Os shop today he was expecting some shipment he had ordered from who knows where . I had found out a couple of months ago that the sweet little Russian old man was actually a huge underground 'fence' he bought and moved stolen items from the black market and sold them for profit. It was no wonder someone as huge and cunning as Dimitri would be affiliated with him and his shop seeing as Dimitri had a thing for antiques.
Although knowing of what transpired in Mr Os shop he like Dimitri respected that I didn't want to be apart of the crime world .
Cleaning up around the front counter tiding the clutter around the register that Mr o tended to leave around the front door bell rang signaling a customer looking up a 'delivery' driver entered hauling huge wooden crates on a dolly . He wheeled them In dipping his head In acknowledgement and disappeared in the back like he normally did when he brought something . He left shortly after carrying a silver briefcase I mentally rolled my eyes couldn't be any more obvious then that .
A loud crash in the back sounded throughout the small store I rushed to the back quickly a slew of Russian curses could be heard a moment later .
"Are you okay Mr o ?" I asked turning into the back room and a fallen box of gold trinket and jewelry has spilled across the floor along with straw .
After a couple of more Russian curses Mr. O shrugged " I'm so clumsy sometimes" he shook his head and bending over to start picking up what had fallen to the floor .
Stopping him I dropped to my knees and started picking all the beautiful pieces .
"I got it don't you dare get down we both know with those knees and back you'd stay stuck on the ground" I tsked with a serious tone .
Mr O gasped loudly I looked up and seen a smile on his face and his hands on his hips .
"That's why I have you" he replied motioning for me to hurry up . Picking up the last of the called goods I placed them back into the crate and paused . A beautiful golden mask that would cover all the face expect the lips and chin . The beautiful details looked like vines and flowers decorated eyes hidden . What looked like ears say on top and gold chains hung down it was absolutely breathtaking .
"It's something else isn't it . Pure gold and stunning I couldn't resist it ." Mr o said his eyes on the beautiful mask . He glanced at me then back at the mask .
"Take it wear at the masquerade it will hide you perfectly but also flaunt you effortlessly. Looking at it I'd say it was made for you" Mr o said turning away .
"This things cost more the-." I tried to protest.
He waved his hand still walking away .
"I owe Dimitri more" he said before walking out of sight . I admitted the mask for a couple of minute longer

 I admitted the mask for a couple of minute longer

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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